Social Service

DESCRIPTION OF the SOCIAL SERVICE IN BRAZIL the history of the Social Service, as it emphasizes Hisses (…) does not have to be understood as a chronology of facts, but in its linking with the general context of the society (…) that is, the history of the economic processes, the classrooms and proper social sciences (1995, p.35). Leaving of this agreement, the occured changes in the Brazilian society in the decade of 30 from the development of the capitalist system, of the antagonistic and contradictory relationship between the classrooms, which if points out in the process of the social relations in the different conjunctures, had been extremely important for gnese of the profession, starting to search recital theoretical, producing new knowledge in the direction in such a way to take care of new how many the existing demands already. Thus, the historical trajectory of the Social Service in Brazil if of the tied one with some factors, amongst them the social movements, added the strategies of the Church Catholic in answering the inherent demands to the Brazilian society, the participation of the called State to intervine in the social matter as half to attenuate the reivindicativas fights of the diligent classroom. In such a way the existence of the Social Service in Brazil, gains density for the faced social necessities in the bulge of the capitalist development, which is translated new demands for the profession. Manrique quotation that: The Social Service in Brazil appeared historically in the interior of the social movements, of the concrete strategy developed by the church catholic to answer to the effect of an increasing hegemony in the civil society and the State, being promoted a vast movement of cariz spiritual that it looked to launch deep roots in the politics and the economy (2000, p.100).

From this context, the necessity of the legitimation of the profession occurs, meaning new chances of work, where the Social Service ‘ ‘ dominantes’ leaves of being an instrument of distribution of the private charity of the classrooms; ‘ (IAMAMOTO, 1994, p.31), to take care of and to execute directed politics the laboring classroom. However, the Social Service in Brazil influenced for the Movement of reconceituao occurred in the American countries Latin, which occurred in way to the fights of classrooms, social claims, starts to question the imported methods, unchaining significant changes in the profession in a conjuncture of deepening of the debate politician in the society. For one better Faleiros understanding quotation that: The reconceituao is without a doubt, integrant part of the process of erosion of the Social Service ‘ ‘ traditional e, therefore, in this measure, allotment of its causalidades and characteristics. As such, it not it can be thought without the reference to the global picture (economic-social, politician, cultural and strict professional) where that one if develops (NETTO, 2005, p.146 and apud Faleiros, 1987, p.51). In this way, the movement of Reconceituao brought stops.


They are Joo Landmarks also had its moments of glory, as if it could perceive through the great production of coffee that existed in its region. Its monuments architectural very called the attention the ones that way passed. It was a city where the money, generated mainly for the coffee, if showed through the constructions. Also possua important places, that generated some jobs and served as source of leisure for the marcossenses. For 1890 return, two public schools Are Joo Landmarks possua; an agency of the post offices; a gafieira; a hospital; a pension; a theater, called Tibiri; two churches of Are Joo Landmarks and pertaining to the brotherhood of Ours the Lady of the Rosary constructed and frequented for the blacks in the time of the slavery.

The church of the matrix, of the padroeiro of the city was still more rich in decorations, with towers already evolving for the Baroque one. Its interior one was all decorated in gold; It also had two cemetaries, of the Brotherhood and of the Charity For the Poor persons; two periodicals, ' ' Municpio' ' , that he was closed in 1932 and ' ' The Bandeira' ' , one gives credit that older; stills and until a fabric plant that was transferred to Tame Bar in 15 of November of 1909, as it showed to the periodical Barramansense memory, published in 9 of May 2007. Plant was called Fabrics and Wiring Is Jose and belonged Mr. Jose Norberto de Mello. These are only some more important places that they were found in the city. Amongst them also the clubs are distinguished. It had two clubs: the Marquense Club, with soccer and dances for the associates and the Pleasure of Colored people, more popular and imbatvel in the carnival. By the way, the carnival was one of the main parties of the city.

Sisters Medicine

I think about an including shelter, with which we can demonstrate to love and interest for the life of the patient and the will to brighten up its pain, assisting it to become it its calmer death and with little suffering in the cases of patient terminals. The objective of this work is to prove how much the religion can influence of beneficial or maleficent form in the treatment of patient terminals, verifying the possibilities of that the same one can or not to help in the relief of the suffering of the terminal customer and to show the necessity of the attention to the espiritualidade with the terminal patient. 2 ESTIMATED 2,1 THEORETICIANS the History of the Espiritualidade in the Care with Patient Even so the indication of the necessities spirituals of a patient as part of a medical treatment is seen as something today new and different, this practical is in the very old truth. But inside of the last hundreds of years the medicine and the religion had followed different ways and the doctors had started to ignore these subjects. For all the history of the humanity, religion and medicine had walked together. During good part of the time, the Christian church controlled the universities where the medical training was done and directed the license so that the doctors exerted the medicine. (KOENIG, 1997, P. 11).

Still more strong of what the connection between medicine and religion is the historical linking between religion and nursing. The craft of the nursing came directly of the church, with the Sisters of Charity of Is Vicente de Paula starting to organize nuns catholics to serve as many religious and not-religious hospitals in 1617 (KOENIG, 1997, P. 11). Each time more science if curve ahead of the largeness and the importance of the espiritualidade in the dimension of the human being.

7 Reasons To Rest In Anapa

Holiday at Sea – is the most memorable and beautiful conduct their own leisure time. It's so nice to lie on the sand under the hot pure sound of the waves of the sea. It is not necessary to buy a plane ticket and fly somewhere very far, as worthy to hold long-awaited vacation can visit our native Russian territory. Anapa – a perfect place for a holiday in Russia. Nature, sea, value for money – perfect. Black Sea is a classic of the genre holiday season, when everyone escaped because of the desktop tourist can get a lot of positive impressions of colorful memories.

Set of spa centers seasonally takes a huge number of people willing to spend time with pleasure. Rest in Anapa long been famous among regulars Russian resorts and those who drive to rest with the children. Undoubtedly, the major resort centers in Russia are: Sochi, Anapa and . However, every tourist chooses the sea and the beach-specific parameters. For example, Sochi – it is very corny and out of fashion, so the rating of this resort is not as high. Beaches in mainly shingle or small pebbles, so not every tourist prefers to rest on the hot stones.

In contrast to the above the Black Sea resort town of Anapa is distinguished by its obvious advantages, which are more and more attracted to modern tourists. So what are the advantages of the resort town of Anapa? Firstly, local areas of the Black Sea is very clean and protected, so it is not surprising that the most elite beaches overwhelmed by streams of tourists and vacationers. Flat, smooth bottom, and the virtual absence of scalding and dangerous for the life of jellyfish is quite a priority. Secondly, the beaches of Anapa, usually sand. Quality of sand high enough, so it is believed that the cleanest beach resort is just – did Anapa. Third, this place is ideal for both leisure and for the fans just sunbathe and swim in the waves Black Sea. The presence of a wide variety of attractions on the water and extreme entertainment enthralls any inveterate extremals. Fourth, Anapa – a true center of glamor and luxury at bargain prices. Here You can buy a lot of beautiful things for far low prices that will delight not just look vacationer, but insignificant impact on the components of his purse. Fifth, Anapa – a very friendly resort town, home to very friendly people, who with great joy that will acquaint visitors with the advantages of a local nature reserve. People differ in their positive qualities and very friendly. Sixth, Anapa – it is a real hub overnight culture. Here you can relax have fun, not only on the coast, but also a great light at night discos in the open air or in a night club entertainment. Seventh, on kurotah Anapa very beautiful nature, mountainous and very beautiful landscapes. The beauty of these places has praised the great Russian writers and poets. Gourmets can enjoy here are very exotic dishes and the gifts of nature. These Southern fruit: peaches, apricots, grapes – this is no pleasure in the central cities of Russia, therefore, arrived in Anapa to enjoy every moment of every gift, slowly savoring it. The Black Sea town of Anapa – a place where there are real miracles every visitors, so when choosing the next trip during the holidays should pay attention to this lovely city. And here you can find accommodation in Anapa, without intermediaries.