DESCRIPTION OF the SOCIAL SERVICE IN BRAZIL the history of the Social Service, as it emphasizes Hisses (…) does not have to be understood as a chronology of facts, but in its linking with the general context of the society (…) that is, the history of the economic processes, the classrooms and proper social sciences (1995, p.35). Leaving of this agreement, the occured changes in the Brazilian society in the decade of 30 from the development of the capitalist system, of the antagonistic and contradictory relationship between the classrooms, which if points out in the process of the social relations in the different conjunctures, had been extremely important for gnese of the profession, starting to search recital theoretical, producing new knowledge in the direction in such a way to take care of new how many the existing demands already. Thus, the historical trajectory of the Social Service in Brazil if of the tied one with some factors, amongst them the social movements, added the strategies of the Church Catholic in answering the inherent demands to the Brazilian society, the participation of the called State to intervine in the social matter as half to attenuate the reivindicativas fights of the diligent classroom. In such a way the existence of the Social Service in Brazil, gains density for the faced social necessities in the bulge of the capitalist development, which is translated new demands for the profession. Manrique quotation that: The Social Service in Brazil appeared historically in the interior of the social movements, of the concrete strategy developed by the church catholic to answer to the effect of an increasing hegemony in the civil society and the State, being promoted a vast movement of cariz spiritual that it looked to launch deep roots in the politics and the economy (2000, p.100).
From this context, the necessity of the legitimation of the profession occurs, meaning new chances of work, where the Social Service ‘ ‘ dominantes’ leaves of being an instrument of distribution of the private charity of the classrooms; ‘ (IAMAMOTO, 1994, p.31), to take care of and to execute directed politics the laboring classroom. However, the Social Service in Brazil influenced for the Movement of reconceituao occurred in the American countries Latin, which occurred in way to the fights of classrooms, social claims, starts to question the imported methods, unchaining significant changes in the profession in a conjuncture of deepening of the debate politician in the society. For one better Faleiros understanding quotation that: The reconceituao is without a doubt, integrant part of the process of erosion of the Social Service ‘ ‘ traditional e, therefore, in this measure, allotment of its causalidades and characteristics. As such, it not it can be thought without the reference to the global picture (economic-social, politician, cultural and strict professional) where that one if develops (NETTO, 2005, p.146 and apud Faleiros, 1987, p.51). In this way, the movement of Reconceituao brought stops.