Center Communication

Nationwide, the internationally active company Decathlon starts his new campaign. To do this, the German Agency Wagner Wagner designed the posters and the radio spot; with a twist. Reutlingen/28.03.2013 – Decathlon offers a huge selection at reasonable prices to all athletes. In the 18 German stores you will find everything for over 70 types of sports under one roof. Try a new sport? At Decathlon no problem. Everything can be tested locally bikes, inlines and trampolines up to tents. The Reutlingen agency Wagner Wagner conducted a strategic consultancy on behalf of the company.

Convinced by the work of communication specialists, now follows the nationwide campaign, which is supposed to consolidate the positioning of the brand on the German market. You is based on the characteristics of the company and emphasizes in particular the huge selection of branches. The design of the posters at the first glance impresses with its simplicity. A selected product is presented on behalf for the huge selection. A concise headline, a remotely placed image on a white background. Plain, simple, an eye-catcher. “” “” The posters have the attention of the Viewer, so they surprise with a twist: find more shoes, only if your friend, find more bikes, only in Holland”, more helmets can be found only on the death star”, you’ll find more air pumps only in politics”. The campaign is designed for longer period of time and can be expanded any more sports and promotions.

More eggs will find currently, for example, with the headline you just at Easter”worked. The radio spot picks up the message of the campaign. Also here is the simplicity and the clear communication of headlines in the Center. A conscious breach of the 08/15 radio sound is the result. At the end of the campaign, more communication activities were discussed. Wagner Wagner the Mailtemplates of company designed both graphically and in its substantive orientation. The Reutlingen agency Wagner Wagner devoted to the long-term brand development for years successfully Brand management and brand management for their customers. The 15-strong team from communication and business managers, designers, computer scientists, media designers and advertising merchants accompanied the customers with individually developed approaches in the long-term implementation of communication strategies, advertising campaigns, packaging design, literature and print media or optimization of the website. Wagner Wagner dares to leave familiar paths and feels like as a creative think tank. What does not exist, is being developed. The Reutlingen communication specialists are proud being one of the few agencies in Germany, whose work processes are certified according to ISO 9001:2000. To get more information on the Internet and directly at Wagner Wagner.

B16 Club

New Ambassador for the B16 Club for children child poverty is one thing with the highest priority. Filed under: Center for Responsible Business. We are committed us at B16 to just to write this big on our own flag. We wanted and we got to do something. But as in so many endeavors the motto also applies to us: only together we are really strong. We are looking for companions and may new successes at ever shorter intervals. Also this time we managed again, a great artist for our cause to enthusiastically: Claus Eisenmann. Claus has become very well known in the German-speaking with the band “Sohne Mannheims”.

“Together with Xavier Naidoo I put then the foundation stone for the sons of Mannheim in the basement of my parents” tells us the very likeable singer from Mannheim and retold: “we started very small, have sung in front of 20 spectators, our band was something special and we knew that”. His features assume something special as he raves about the old days, “we have it “further upwards, songs such as ‘Go out of it’, managed to ‘Life’ hits were simply hammer”. And then, his eyes are shining: “with ‘ and if a song…’ I sang a Duet with Xavier, which will be forgotten”. Claus on the question like he because child poverty is: “it’s awful, what’s going on in our country. Each can usually move much, but I see something that makes me hope again in rock against child poverty, hope for a positive development in Germany, for our children. It was”not really hard by my management to convince me for this thing. His call: “all help, let us together something move”

Brazilian Constitution

I wrote an article with this exactly heading, Curiously, I consider this the most important article that already I wrote, but for the time being I have few readers. I do not know if all already had attempted against. We are living the danger of ' ' dictatorship of bem' '. They are movements that if say ' ' protectors of sociedade' ' that influences public agents so that laws and regulations are created inappellably that go to intervene with our life. because, theoretically, they defend attitudes ' ' of bem' ' , they find echo between the imprudent ones. Illed-inform they are the ones that do not obtain to see as its life goes to lose the freedom and the intended favour if norms will be approved.

As for the health or to the risks of life, for example, the dictatorship of the good finds an allied powerful, that can very badly be used. The Brazilian Constitution says that all we have right to the health. To give to all type of medical assistance the 190 million Brazilians seems half utopian but, we go there, takes that one day if obtains. The biggest problem is the solutions if to fulfill what it is written. The private plans of health are, in part, subsidized for the government. This wants to say that, exactly that you are rich, if not to use the security belt and will be to stop in the hospital, the common man goes to pay a part of the account. Soon: they had arranged a beautiful excuse to moor me inside of my car and to add the value of the belt in the price of the car.

Soon in the automobile, one of the last redoubts of freedom of the man, where it can cry out, xingar, sing, love, go and come, any thing. To cause accidents cannot, but to use kit first-aid, belt of security and other devices that still go to invent somebody to gain one comissozinha, this can. He is as the American author of &#039 said; ' The Bab&#039 State; '. In the United States, because a child if drowned in a swimming pool, they had created an apparatus of security for all the thousands of swimming pools of the country that cost a dribble to the contributors and took off until the favour to swim. It wants another one? This way, they had invented a new identity card. I am not needing a new identity card but, together with 190 million Brazilians, I go to have that to enter in a line to take off the new. The justification: more technology, more security, more control. Already it thought about the commission that can involve in this business? Now they are the foods. If I to want to be fat person, I cannot be, because any decurrent illness goes to cost expensive to the SUS. The price for the lack of my pleasure in taking an ice cream, however, the bureaucrat ' ' of bem' ' it does not go to pay. It nor the least consider that my being is joins: he can have cholesterol, triglecerdios, diabetes, but with certainty also he has endorfina, mind, spirit, desire, satisfaction. We do not need State in our lives more. We need less. Little taxes, little interferences. freedom.

OSTEO Consumption

Manuel Hachenburger several: direct candidate in the constituency 177 betting rough for the parliamentary elections choice in 2009 on 27 September. There are many air numbers and word hull by the parliamentarians to convince the citizen how well they do your work! Facts: For 40 years it has been for no-one what is capably of it government, excellent to lower the national debts, neither the coalition nor the opposition! It came to the great, tax increase in the story of Germany through the grand coalition in 2008. It further came to the great, national debt of all times in 2009. A value of 2 trillion euros is soon reached exist. At a, redemption of only 2% load the take down 600 years. Modern vehicles need less and less petrol, lasting into, the 80 he which what price by 35 cents and the vehicles consumed by 15 litres, year is the value at OSTEO. 1.30 euros at a consumption of 6-7 litre, today.

The fewer water is used up, get all the higher the municipal taxes, since the sewage system must be washed with water to avoid damages. This one rips off with the current in three steps: well, the light bulbs are forbidden for the producers, high consumption. It only admits to economizing bulbs which, however, do not all too long keep are more expensive any more how light bulbs and some consume this one. In the, step forth last producer of dacha the prices again. High unemployment is wanted: why are the parliamentarians against a minimum wage? It would be 10 euros per hour necessary here! No. 1 euro jobs, unpaid traineeships and unpaid work would give more in the context of courses. You are unemployed unemployment, longer than 1 year every job is then reasonable! It is all about this a profit maximization of some takes place and the rest is made use of.


It so happened that the house – it’s not just patrimony, but also the indicator of social status. Business card at home – is facing facade, which can tell you about the status of the owner, its practicality, numeracy savings. Except all finish at home not only to “odezhka” in which the encounter, but the protection cottage from the cold, damp, heat. Therefore, the problem at least in the choice of facing materials – Durability and comfort of living at home in it. The task of maximum – and add beauty, harmony, environmental safety of the material.

Lining material, which can easily perform all tasks – clinker. With all the variety can not find that other material with so many positive qualities. Clinker is a special place and that’s why. Clinker is the strength of natural stone, presented in a convenient format facing brick, maintenance free and repair, and retains the original new look for an unlimited time. Clinker is absolutely clean and safe material, because it includes only clay and water, and no dyes. Gains its unique properties due to high-temperature roasting, about 1,100 degrees. So profitable and differs from the usual ceramic bricks high strength, resistance to moisture, frost.

For the quality of coating materials is their demands, here are some of them are up to 6% water absorption, frost resistance over 50 cycles, the strength of 35 MPa, the density of a hollow stone – 1600 kg/m2, the thermal conductivity of 0.5-0.7 W / mC. All these requirements are met by any clinker brick. Clinker brick, a material that is presented in a wide color scheme. The whole palette of colors achieved by mixing different colors of clay, without the addition of colorants. Therefore, the color is uniform on clinker the entire section of brick, and will never fade or tarnish. Another method used to expand the range of toning – is causing engobe or glaze. So, can produce glossy, smooth surface clinker product. The composition of the glaze and engobe also contains only natural ingredients. In addition to color effects are widely used and structural nuances, such as grooves, adding sand, traces of coal burning. Technology clinker facade facing the same as the ceramic facing brick. Facing may be conducted simultaneously with building brick masonry, and may after the construction process. Clinker bricks are well combined with many construction materials: concrete, wood, stone. If your budget includes sufficient costs to build a house, choose a clinker. This material is proven by many years of service in European cities. In Europe, there is no other brick, except for clinker. Admiring the century-old buildings of clinker bricks, which have preserved the spirit and history, and a neat appearance, you realize that the clinker – the best tile material. In the house of clinker will be able to live your grandchildren.