Taking in consideration the future expectations of the interviewed ones a certain indifference with its proper future is noticed, therefore it is about an informal work. The informal work is the type of work disentailed to any company, that is, it is the indirect work where it does not have employment bond by means of legalized documentation. This type of work had great growth in the decade of 90 when the competitiveness made with that the companies also opted to qualified man power and front to the economic crisis, the companies had had that to diminish its picture of employees and to lower the value of its merchandises. None of the interviewed ones contributes with INSS thus observing not the concern with the retirement. This absence of future perspectives is noticed in the speech of P1 and P2: ' ' People cannot make nothing nh, the money are short of pra not to pay INSS. The only thing that I paid was the funerary one now nor this more. I do not think about the future no.' ' P1 (SIC) ' ' I retire only can me for the age, for I to work I here I do not know if we have some advantage if we to only pay the INSS. I not pago.' ' P2 (SIC) In relation the industrial accidents, Port et al (2004), stand out that certain types of illnesses, as, corporal pains, problems osteo- you will articulate and hipertenso is premade use by the exhausting work, added to the treatment with the garbage that the catadores if submit. The participants do not mention illnesses related to the garbage or industrial accidents associates to the catao. ' ' thanks to God I did not have an industrial accident one day I only tava of sandal and there I went to separate as the girls so separating, and I was walking there and I did not give attention, a skewer that came in the bag, a skewer to bake meat, I took the foot thus, and it entered in my foot, plus this is not industrial accident.
Month: January 2016
Public Farm
The judges who comungam with this agreement use as acessoriedade example the interests, that are accessory of the main mount of money and that without this simply they do not exist. Ademais, knows that the execution against the Public Farm is an execution that follows a special regimen, where, for example, does not exist expropriatrios acts, nor summon to pay distrainment duly warned, but yes a chronological line of creditors (Precatrio) that it must be respected, reason by which, although independent, the legal fees borne by the loser in a judicial dispute cannot be executed of fracionada form of the main value, having, yes, to respect the differentiated constitutional regimen of the execution against the Public Farm. Thus, duly warned I confront the constitutional device, defends this chain that in face of the rule, according to which the accessory right follows the luck of the main one, the legal fees borne by the loser in a judicial dispute must be requested by precatrio if under this regimen of execution the main credit will have been processed. In summary, these are the main arguments of the chain that defends the impossibility of the fracionamento of the credit exequendo in desfavor of the Public Farm. 3 RIGHT INDEPENDENT OF LAWYER IN TO EXECUTE SENTENCE IN PART REFERRING TO HONORARY Of other north exists chain doctrinal, and even though some judgeships, although isolated, that it comes more if fortifying each time with the agreement of that are not only possible as it is a right of the lawyer in executing its legal fees borne by the loser in a judicial dispute of independent form of the main one, of such luck that, exceeded the legal ceiling, they cannot receive its credit through solicitation from small value, exactly when the main value if to submit the regimen of precatrio. In turn, striking what it comes being defended for the first chain, this second line understands that the purpose of the rule contained in 8 of art.
Angico Lampio
In this trajectory of combats, jibs and inatividades, Lampio it had many deaths announced for the government of precipitated form, after all, the great head and its group mysteriously knew to disappear and to appear when they wanted and its death was surrounded by many mysteries. Mystery with some placed, affirmed versions and contested as the version of the poisoning, for example, accepted for many and discarded for others. But the version that prevails and doubtlessly more accepted as official, is the slaughter occurred in fatdico day 28 of July of 1938 where 11 cangaceiros had been died the shots, its heads cut and placed in kerosene cans with alcohol and salt to be paraded in the cities for where they had practised all the violence acts, with also showing the population that Lampio finally was I catch and dead with its flock. Its bodies had been left in the disputed place, slandered, its belongings as trophies, a horror. This slaughter occurred in the Grota, grota of Angico and not grotto as many tell. An inhospitable place, surrounded of thorns, rocks and with an only exit.
Who killed Lampio, Maria Pretty and its friends? It was the money of them! they said the projections. In the truth, many factors had contributed so that its death was hasty: Getlio Vargas annoyed with the spreading and projection of the film made for the Lebanese pedlar in 1936 showing the daily one of this bandoleiro that despreocupadamente posava with its power of leadership before the policy and the powerful ones of the hinterland. Then as to mold a New State with a man who if said ' ' governor of serto' ' defied the Federal Government? The proper Benjamim Abrao Calil Boto, the producer of the film and photographic images, contributed indirectly for the death of Lampio filming and photographing the outlaw of all the forms. Its name was manchete daily in periodicals and magazines of the time showing its peripcias and wit in that it made. The first shot given for soldier Abdon Cosmo, initiated the end of the reign of Virgulino Blacksmith.
The Lampio if erased. The leader and commander of caatingas died. They had been almost twenty years in the command being respected and admired by all. It passed to History as one of the biografados men more of the world. It turned legend, turned myth. She was a great personage of the History of Brazil.
Same Brazil
There an old worker, 60 years lives, works in a service any 8 hours per day are its horria load! It does not have the such of the Ticket feeding, and it does not have valley has carried! Its wage? One! Minimum? today this represents 600 Reals. It arrived behind? The master xinga! This indisposto? Bad luck of ‘ ‘ velho’ ‘ , you receiving; it works! If it has family, little matters Deferred payment far from the service? BAD LUCK YOURS! It has what to eat? What to dress? It obtains to work? The wage of the one for the month? This is the world of the wage-earning workers for Brazil measures different what we could call another world: Its work? It is a little difficult, works 3 times per week. Pra to say the truth, nor work this I can call. It frequents the Chamber to say that it was there, he is master of itself exactly, he is elect for the People who still believes that honest politicians exist. This there for the money, therefore what it earns in one Month, never will gain outside daqui Aerial tickets for it and its family, aid housing, aid have carried, valley feeding, telephone that it can use how much to want, and also not forgetting them employee staffs who it can contract they have a reasonable wage, which had tried to increase, but had also not obtained, were thus low same. 21 a thousand MONTHLY Reals.
These bonifications, and wages are official of the government This, is the reality politics of Brazil, this reality politics is paid with the taxes of that old and poor worker, who in an arduous work and weighed, paid its taxes in day, and automatically, board the life of luxury of the legislators, who always want more do not have some wrong thing? still our legislators has the courage to say: ‘ ‘ I must have a wage more something, I have direito.’ ‘ That right? He is this speaking suddenly of the beginning of the Dignity human being? Really, who gains 21 a thousand Reals and all these bonifications are with its wounded rights. If this finds that he is not being guaranteed its rights, that right this old wage-earning worker will have, with a small wage of 600 Reals, to practically give its life for the work to gain this wage? Wage of the Worker: A minimum. (without ticket, assessors, bond nothing) = 600,00 federal Legislator: 21 a thousand + ticket, card, telephone, employees.