Yoga Mats

How to choose the right mat for yoga (yogamat)? What parameters should be considered? Most people, practicing yoga, especially beginners, often ask these questions. In this article, we will try to answer these and other issues. Do I need a special pad? Undoubtedly, as yoga mats you can use any litter that is appropriate in size and pleasant in texture. This may be a universal pad of household goods, and beach towel, and just a piece of cloth. But there are special yoga mats that have the necessary qualities for a comfortable practice. At a special mat has a number of advantages. First, these mats are slip sticky surface that increases traction pad to the body.

This is quite handy during class. Secondly, these rugs have a wide range of colors and sizes, so you will have a choice. Third, for such a rug it will be easy to pick up a special pouch or bag for yoga. Whether to have your carpet or not have? If you go to a regular practice, then your own mat it will be necessary attribute. In this case it is necessary treat it as a matter for individual use, such as a toothbrush or washcloth. Since the practice of yoga involves working with energy, some of your energy will certainly remain on the rug. So no outside the classroom to offer it to your pet or use it as during the campaign. Remember, this is the subject of your personal yoga hygiene.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

It seems that not all costumers are able to remember what they dressed actors. In the shot very scattered people 'Hannibal', Ridley Scott's earrings Clarissa five minutes three times replaced with studs on ring and back. Sometimes the costume designers could have in the filming process does not interfere at all. It would have the right to be better. In 'Dirty Dancing' after the great Babe spent night with the hero of Patrick Swayze gets out of bed in the buff, and when camera returns to the heroine, she finds herself wrapped in lingerie. Decorators, however, are also good.

In our cult 'Meeting Place' Sharapov is on rails and goes past the structure, which is distinctly modern cars. 'History of foul' – notice to Hleb Zheglov. About migrating or instant healing wounds and say nothing. Bearded anecdote about the bandage, which slipped in the film was won back a thousand times. Gunshot wounds characters time and again moved from the right side to left, grazes on the face disappear and reappear. The heroine of Sharon Stone in the movie 'Total Recall' in the heat of a fight cut hero Arnold Schwarzenegger's hands with a kitchen knife, but in the next scene, they has no scratches. Neither give nor take the Terminator. In the film 'Heroes', which starred actress Monica Bellucci, wounded in the hand of a hero Ricky Memphis after a short time confidently and vigorously waving it.

They say that during the installation of this Ricky said he strongly berated himself. Although it would be more blame for this director. However, to convict the director of negligence is not as sweet as its catch to the ignorance of the subject. There is no limit to the audience bloodlust, especially if there is no limit, and his erudition. While a great mind not need to see how bullied in Hollywood over the Russian language. They can easily interfere with the Latin letters of the Greek alphabet, or simply write all gibberish. Fresh masterpiece is the final frame of the movie 'Fantastic Four', where the stern sailing ship clearly read the inscription 'The head of the toe. " To spell any claims, but what does this phrase in relation to the ship, we can only guess. An even greater expanse in the film for fans and connoisseurs of history. All the same Ridley Scott, for example, the author laced with errors 'Gladiator', has lodged the Maximus to the house, built on all the grounds until the XV century. And besides, carefully gave the hero a saddled horse at the saddle came much later gladiators. Fortunately for the historical validity of fighters, half of absurdities, through whose fault they would not have happened, now ruthlessly fix your computer. But so entrancing and sweeter than the dark movie theater to find escaped from all the invaluable and therefore an error. Site actress Monica Bellucci

Orthodox Faith

The first person in the country, actively fought against religion, baptized, go to church to preach and pray. Media constantly publishes lean Kremlin and the Duma menu dining, polls, and their opinions. And, of course, our “elite” does not stand aside. “Glamorous” believe, “glamorous” pray and fast, yet as “glamorous” for example, after a theatrical show, in restaurant ordering fetuchchini with vegetables and truffle butter or salad ‘Golden Needle’ from soy sprouts, golden mushrooms and green onions, seasoned with sesame oil and cucumber and sour spicy sauce. To this add the clothes “haute couture”, “Easter” make-up, and then – to the Holy Land.

Truly religious people are trying to fast, as best they could, in its full extent. Odezhda more modest, more simple food, and most importantly pray, go into the service and think, why they here, that after they left. The church served alms to the poor odezhdu bring to sacrifice the dining room for the poor, for God’s temple. In the prayer (ie, communion with God), humility and repentance, they spend their time showing their love to God and trusting in him. Do not remain, mostly indifferent to Lent and those who are new to the traditions of the Orthodox Church. However, here, thanks to our media, it all comes down to komertsizatsii restriction in food products perilous. Many believe that fasting established for centuries, has a beneficial effect on the body. And in some ways they’re right.

Meat – the product is heavy. But, unfortunately, we are not in the Garden of Eden and meat body needs. We need only measure at all. In food, deeds, thoughts, and feelings. Restriction of food aid only. Fasting is not a campaign to cleanse the body. The main idea of fasting to elevate the soul over the flesh, feel God’s love, God, its purpose, to repent of their sins, and try not to make them more, look at the world and see that someone needs help, lend a hand to our neighbor. This is the essence of the Orthodox Faith, laws which we must know not only observe but also to understand. “Postyaschesya, brothers, bodily, and spiritual fasting? To every one union iniquity … give the hungry bread and nischiya beskrovnyya introduce into the houses, but we take from the Christ of God show great mercy “(hymn at Vespers on Wednesday 1st week of Lent).

Rare Game Echelon

Rare game: Echelon – Explore, Discover and Eliminate After the note about 'the system of global electronic intelligence' – ECHELON, I began to look for something else related to this topic. Found something interesting game Echelon: Explore, Discover and Eliminate – a very rare real-time strategy with very complicated plot, which is almost entirely remained in the shadow of Dune 2000 and a series of C & C. On the Internet about her writing: "There is a ring world (but not the one referred to in the books of Larry Niven), in which they live and develop in harmony and happiness three different nations – Aruthas, Eriins and Trasks (translation is not worth it). But one day their world comes in the form of evil people, only now, instead of uniting against a common threat, they start to fight each other. You can choose to campaign for any of these three races and lead the race to victory over the other two. Aruthas – 'smart' people of the desert, are more prone to the development of 'practice' technologies, are dreaming of the subordination of other races.

Eriins – relatively peaceful, but the arrogant creature Developing largely theoretical science, their dream – the revival of former unity, but in recognition of their excellence. Trasks – the warlike inhabitants of the volcanic wastelands, thinking only about the war and the dream of total extermination all those who are unlike them. Gameplay is virtually no different from other policies, except that of units in the game – just a technique. Campaign is pretty short, but the mission simple form and complex in content – it is necessary, as a rule, only a 'kill them all', but just do it quite often is not easy. Of course, the available (albeit not with the first mission), building construction and production of new units. Graphically the game looks to 1998 with dignity and externally and though very similar to the great works of Westwood. But, in my opinion, the similarities still primarily external: the atmosphere in Echelon is quite different, and indeed the process is more complicated (but that's interesting is – another question). " I'd add that the game is just like fans of the genre.

It is not casual remained in the shadows – all that is in the game – like other games, the units are not real sympathy (unless the building beautiful) and move like statues, their intelligence about silent. Verdict: The game have nothing to boast, not it takes the soul. I do not recommend. Look at the screenshots, admire because of the dynamics is not so great:)