
It is not rare to hear that time is something precious. less rare is not somebody to say that it does not have time for nothing in the life. It must be therefore that (time or another one) I catch myself to think as is important any as, minute, hour, month, year, decade, century, millenium, etc. and we can go beyond, until thousandth of seconds, are important I exaggerate mine? He goes to explain that even though these fractions are not important to the corridors of Formula 1, olmpicos swimmers or velocistas and as much other athletes for which the lesser fraction of time can approach them or move away them from the only glory of a new record. Some seconds nothing mean? It goes to say this for athletes who dispute one incited left of basquete or of soccer of hall. What to say of minutes? They can be terrible carrascos in a soccer decision. The hour is much thing will be, for example, lost time in a chaotic transit, delay for that meeting in the job so longed for, at last are some situations that are in the daily one and show a little of the relativity of the time.

Always strange when plus one year it passes it seems that flying and somebody it says that nothing obtained to carry through. I always find that it is much time for little accomplishment, but any analysis a little deepened will show that something was made and if what we carry through was something good, certainly will not be forgotten and will be multiplied in other equally good actions. Inside of this logic, I am infuriated when we come across with expressions as ' ' decade perdida' '. It will be that it is possible nothing to use to advantage itself of good of all the humanity for a period of ten years? If the reply she will be taxing positive, then we would be living next to the barbarity. Optimist, that I am (or I try to be), I believe that a good action if overlaps the decades, centuries or millenia of badnesses. To finish and to descontrair, the history of the smart one that it knew that had a scholar that it became very rich for distributing teachings and certainly would distribute its wealth material, case made it the certain questions. The espertalho obtained to find the such master and it asked to it: ' ' Mr., what they mean a thousand years? ' '. The reply she was fast: ' ' Ah, son, nothing, nor as! ' ' Finding in the way of the easy money, the smart one continued: ' ' If allow another question, and R$ 1 million me? What the master answered without titubear: ' ' He swims, nor a cent! The smart one made fast accounts and went off: ' ' Then it arranges me 10 cents? ' ' The master coou white beards and said: ' ' Clearly! You are alone to wait some seconds ' '.

Petrol Money

If you are interested in fuel consumption. Of course, few people would believe that I care about saving other people’s money, so I’m on the other! Do not just hear, but I know that there is a thing that allows you to burn the fuel mixture (either petrol or diesel) in the combustion chamber during the third stroke. Without it, the portion of the mixture burns in the exhaust system. In other words, for their own money to Gray Street (Gadim and more). In this case, is mechanical ‘strain’ car. Get all the facts and insights with Dr. Neal Barnard, another great source of information. So, this thing — the catalyst contains platinum atoms.

Here are excerpts from the encyclopedia about the device of the catalytic converter: ‘ Apply a thin layer platinoiridievogo alloy. Unburned residues (CO, ch, NO) touching the surface of the catalyst bed, are oxidized by oxygen to the end ‘ The catalyst creates a film of 10 nm. on the walls of the combustion chamber, in contact with which is more rapid oxidation (read — ‘Burn’) the fuel mixture. As a result, increased capacity, which reduces fuel consumption and more benign temperature exhaust system. Thus, all of science — saving gasoline and air is 75% cleaner. Dear Motorists — all we have or will have children, there is a close, someone besides us truly will think about them?

Venezuela Employees

The mere fact to fulfill their work often is insufficient, if the work that the person carries out doesn’t allow you to influence the decisions that affect them. Recommendations management should be vigilant of how manifested in organizational behaviour of the company, the labor climate than it is generating environment product labor not only accompanied by an ergonomics that favors him, but the atmosphere of work product of well defined functions, recognitions, performance, motivation, leadership, communication, among others. Heredia, reminds us that one of the methods most commonly used to create a better working environment is the involvement of employees. This can be accomplished through the use of certain number of systematic methods that allow employees to play an active role in the decisions that affect them, as well as in its relationship with the organization. Through these methods, employees gain a sense of responsibility, of belonging, even, on decisions involving. For to succeed, however, isolated from participating in some decisions opportunities are not sufficient; It is necessary that the participatory practice becomes an integral part of the philosophy of the company.

The challenge facing the leaders of high level of all types of organizations now consists of the creation of a corporate culture that confer effective authority and responsibility to persons working in the company. This trend to the more equitable distribution of the authority of a trend widespread in the modern world. In Europe, where there are strong incentives to implement systems that share the effective authority within the Organization, this philosophy is called the stage of industrial democracy. A related site: Dr. Neal Barnard mentions similar findings. In the case that concerns us in Venezuela, we can point out that unfortunately in many companies that democracy is not, for many flawed reasons that have organizations, especially in the hiring of staff, and where the favoritism, the political commitment of friendship merman what could be a good working atmosphere. Very valid is that manifest that Pygmalion is known as the phenomenon.

The term derives from a play by a well-known playwright of beginning of century and means that (as a distinguished professor who is the hero of the play) people tend to correspond to the expectations that his superiors have of them. An expectation of poor results and bad behaviour corresponds, in general, bad behavior and terrible outcome. On the contrary, an expectation of high human quality corresponds in the majority of cases an effort optimal to achieve the high levels of excellence that are deposited on a person or in a given group. Already ended the era of the foremen, captains of industry and leaders charismatic and incapable of being wrong; in the 21st century we are witnessing the advent of what can be called with all property the stage of industrial democracy. Conclusions is valid when it is said that the improvement of the work environment has a close relationship with the encouragement of the participation of employees. Such participation can concentrate on the solution turns of everyday problems or in making decisions about the content of the post held, and staff gives the certainty that their opinions have and value. Like the human being and finds it necessary to know that identifies you and is taken into account.


Ps. Fernando Alexis Jimnez The letter arrived with the forcefulness of a star that crosses fleeting the sky in one night dark. He came from Guatemala and in her, the correspondent expressed the enormous disappointment to me assaulted that it. " I saw a television program. The preacher said that if gave one hundred dollars, God would multiply seedtime to me. I gave the money but he did not pass anything.

Now I have the debt. Not that the God ours is a God of riquezas". A message more of many than arrives, of people who feel deceived in their faith. And memory to Hugo, a shepherd friend. We went to listen to a preacher of the prosperity in the Stage of Cali.

An ardent message, but by no part mentioned Jesus Christ. In the end it ended up challenging us all to give what we had in the pockets. When finishing the event, I invited to consiervo so that we went to take the bus. " No, I remain " , it responded. " Why? " , I interrogated but it insisted that it remained. I had worried and hour and a half later I called to its house. It finished arriving. It gave everything, until the money of passage in group. And it remembered to me pesaroso: " You remember the lecturer? It said that if we gave everything what we had in the pocket, God would provide and I had to return caminando&quot to me; It has happened to him sometimes? Tens of people have fallen in the same situation. They have invested the order of the things. Mr. Jesus taught: " Because the gentile ones look for all these things; but your celestial Father knows that you have necessity of all these things. But you firstly look for the kingdom of God and its justice, and all these things will be added to you. So, you do not strive by at some future date, because at some future date it will bring his eagerness. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. " (Mateo 6:32 – 34) What I teach the Teacher to us? At least three things that I invite to him to consider from this passage: 1. – Who take care of the provision, before to look for God, they are the gentile ones, in other words, that only thinks about the material. 2. – That we have invested the order of the things. God commanded to look for the first kingdom to us of God and its justice and then, said, the other things like addition would come, and today many look for first " aadiduras" and they leave the kingdom of God last. 3. – We must look for God and to leave God takes care of our needs. I invite to him so that it reviews its life. Perhaps it has invested its precedence? What worries to him more: God or the money? The answer is hers and nothing else that hers. I hope that in future, God makes right decisions will orient its life and will know to move in the appropriate direction Fernando Alexis Jimnez – Contact (057) 317-4913705 Email: Original author and source of the article.

Spiritual Development

For decades in numerous publications in philosophical dictionaries traditionally present an explanation of the "spirit" as an intangible beginning, as the production of consciousness in the form of society – religious, philosophical, political, legal, scientific, moral, artistic. The notion is "spirituality" is not defined and is not discussed. In practice, it is used very intensively and with large discrepancies. What are the main features of modern views on spirituality? The concept of spirit, soul, spirituality, spirituality, consciousness, and prescribes, as a rule, a man and are considered immaterial, thinking, linguistic, linguistic, intellectual concepts and phenomena. Spirituality in the past and modern philosophical basis is defined as charity, morality and the inner aspiration to know, ability to control their psyche, mind, emotions. Spirituality is also associated with culture, art, religion, occultism, magic, theosophy, science, love and sexuality. Go to Center For Responsible Lending for more information. Thus, the notion of "spirituality" dumped All human life, but all other objects of the Universe has a spiritual allegedly had no right and conversations on this topic had not been maintained and is classified as taboo.

The author believes that the "Spirit" – this is important, comprehensive material energy-mental phenomenon. From the Spirit formed all concrete, including concrete biological, conscious biological, intellectual, biological. Spirit is the idea alive in all sites Universe. More details on this theme is revealed in the book by Yu Laman "And I had my way " The soul – the mental (subtle, energy-) start of any object in the range of information of the Earth, under the leadership shown by Spirit. Consciousness – specifically formed energy-phenomenon, which is able to dissect and learn any information. Formed as needed soul to perform a specific task at the right level of information. Spirituality – a state of mind-consciousness to the possession, consciously or unconsciously, specific range of manifestations of the Spirit, or the phenomena of the Universe. Spirituality – quality over quantity mastered mental technologies.

Moral can not serve as a measure of spirituality! Spirituality – it is the power, scope, opportunities, etc. specific information object. If a person is unable to understand the other object, it does not mean that the other – soulless, ghostless. All information objects – inspired by, alive and intelligent. None of the information objects are bad, negative or hostile – there is information that is not understood by man. Spiritual growth of man is uniquely associated with disease, ailments, suffering, limitations, and other troubles, because thus there is a constant intrusion into other information and breach of harmony. Man in his ignorance of the danger to the Universe, and therefore it constantly monitors and limits the Hierarchy of the Universe. Materials of the report are based on research and practical experience in the use of effective cognitive technologies developed and successfully used by the author for the past many years.

Meeting Place

RENEXPO 11 times in Augsburg takes place from 7 to 10 October 2010 the RENEXPO, Bavaria’s country energy fair, takes place for the eleventh time in the exhibition centre of Augsburg. The RENEXPO is one of the most important trade fair for renewable energy and energy efficiency in construction and rehabilitation in Germany. Due to its unique variety of topics is the exhibition industry gathering no. 1 and offers a wide range of information, training, and contact information for customers and clients to the specialist. Strong networks in terms of craftsmen are partner of RENEXPO, including the Chamber of crafts of Swabia, who is the community climate protection our craft”organized, the Chamber of crafts for Munich and Upper Bavaria, the Federal Association of heat pump and the Federal Association of chimney sweeps craft. Whether the RENEXPO are combined heat and power, photovoltaic and solar thermal, heat pumps, storage technology, heating or heating with wood and pellets, whether passive house, timber construction and ecological building materials, ventilation or insulation Specialist craftsmen a comprehensive overview of current developments, products, innovations and services. Well-known companies such as Bosch Thermotechnik GmbH – Junkers Germany, Stiebel Eltron GmbH & co. KG, Vaillant Germany GmbH & co.

KG or Viessmann Germany GmbH, are longtime exhibitor at the RENEXPO. The focus of trade fair IHE HolzEnergie has established itself as the most important meeting place for the wood energy sector. Are market leaders, including Heizomat GmbH, HDG Bavaria GmbH, Herz Energietechnik GmbH, GUNTAMATIC Heiztechnik GmbH, KWB Germany GmbH, SHT Heiztechnik aus Salzburg GmbH, Viessmann Germany GmbH and WOOD-MIZER GmbH. The special fireplace, pellet & tile stoves”HolzEnergie again in 2010 becomes the highlight of the IHE. For the first time the free lecture series this year will heating with pellets the Pelletforum for the SHK trade”takes place in the RENEXPO. The seminar treated the promotion and certification of pellets and the combination of solar & pellets, shows practical examples and gives Overview of the market.

Freedom Goddess

As a rule, does not go beyond reasoning. Change the way their life units and often cut down on the vine all, becoming a devout . Two extremes, so often encountered in life: a female submissive to the will a man who is accustomed to that he was inferior. In this situation, both are unhappy: the woman feels the lack of attention, love, holiday simply put lack of female happiness. A man voluntarily deprive themselves of the opportunity to learn Ludovit goddess.

-Woman – . There are two options: either a woman used by men, or do not know life can be podpuskaet.Kak in all her charms, if it knowingly disqualify himself and afraid to let go. Faced with a situation where instead of giving nichigo not get, I have suffered. I then wanted to hurt him, on the contrary sought to show how much they cherish. As a result, all experiments nichigo not changed: all the same explanation of the relationship and mutual nedovolsto.

Long thought to be done? Then remembered about the feminist and thought: 'live without it! Let him leave, we must have pride ', then again, like something to tell him: it can simply not understand? Another wanted to change it. All this is not an option. After all, the problem is not outside, but inside of me. Yes, it may sound trite, but the meaning of this phrase becomes clear interpretation when you grow up into a woman. Becomes clear that happiness in a free choice. Not hurting him, not revenge, but to let go. Yes, you can not come back. Why does he then need a goddess? Be strong and know that all such phrases as 'You have to but as a family? "-Just outdated prejudices of a patriarchal society, which gradually gives way to a new world where the reign goddess! Give yourself the freedom of choice, and it, too. To the queen of no restrictions space and time, an eternity in front and there are compulsory waiting for someone with whom you learn what love is.

Positive Attitude

The attitude of a person towards life is crucial to living life to the fullest or to wander through life without a defined purpose; with the right attitude a person can develop, seize the opportunities that you can find or discover, achieve the objectives or goals must be set, achieve success and happiness. With positive attitude problems that probably will be found during the day of our life can solve more easily. The positive attitude provides optimism, will allow that the concerns will not affect us and change ideas or negative thoughts that froze to our minds in adverse circumstances and replaces them with constructive and creative thoughts. If we adopt as part of ourselves a positive attitude will be much easier to see the good side of things and wait always the best. Frequently Boy Scouts of America has said that publicly. How manifests the attitude positive in the journal operate? How is that a person with a positive attitude facing challenges on the path towards its full realization it? A person with attitude positive you will have always a positive thinking, a creative and constructive thought looking for alternatives or solutions before problems, permanent optimism and self-motivation to achieve the goals proposed, persistence, perseverance, confidence in himself, faith, hope, and high self-esteem. The positive attitude leads to happiness and success.

When looking at things of life is always appreciated the positive side, life itself will be nicer, brighter. This attitude is not only reflected in the same person but in everything around him, at his home, family, interpersonal relationships at work, with friends and your entire environment. What is the difference between a positive and a negative attitude? With negative attitude will say: you can do, it is very difficult, it is impossible to achieve this, you can’t. With positive attitude will say: you can do, if it can be achieved, can be. Decide to have an attitude positive and see the great change. Everything will seem easier and you can see more opportunities where before maybe saw only problems. By the same author: Center for Responsible Business. Positive thinking is a mental attitude that supports only thoughts, words, images, favorable for their growth and personal development in different areas of life.

It is a mindset that expects only the good in everything what should be undertaken. That is why a person with a positive mental attitude radiates confidence and achieved favorable results. To succeed and be happy you must have positive mental attitude. The positive mental attitude has a huge force already that everything we think we can achieve it. Dr. Wayne Dyer, renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development, in his book change your thoughts and change your life Express: the State of your life is not anything other than a reflection of his mental state, and Ralph Waldo Emerson, American philosopher: the same world, for two different minds, is heaven or hell. What a person thinks, that is.

Womens Forum Topics

You want to keep abreast of fashion trends, actively interested in psychology, rukodelnichaete, love to cook or want to learn how to do it, maybe you just want to chat on the topic "between us girls"? And as a female "Pickup"! You do not know what a "pickup"? It's such a popular phenomenon of the XXI century. (From English 'pick up', 'pickup' – 'learn to shoot, to glue. "Pickup – a package of measures aimed to explore the subject of the opposite (or a) the floor in order to obtain the phone number.) you just need a forum where, how or where you will find a lot of like-minded people on the skill to properly "carried away" the man! And it correctly "otshit." The best solution to all these questions can become a women's forum. Ask or get advice. Exclusively or almost exclusively female society will give you a pleasant and useful communication, participation in the forum will give you the opportunity from home, talk to topics that interest you, to share experiences, receive advice together to solve problems, make your home more comfortable. Perhaps you will have new hobbies, meeting with participants of the Forum will expand your circle of friends, will allow you to have new friends. Because of the Internet greatly expanded the possibilities of communication, you simply have to communicate with people living with you in different time zones, almost "in the middle of nowhere" (relative term). As tempting learn how to cook fish dish from cisco (fish such Baikal), as well as do, for example, residents of Irkutsk. Or quickly get a "recipe" for breeding from Orenburg. All of these features you will internet forum. Come, talk, and most importantly be friendly and will answer the same!

Memory Quality

Absolutely nothing that can not deliver as many happy moments as peresmatrivanie photos from the wedding, which seemed once again able to dip into the world enchanting beauty and bliss. These days, no wedding is complete without a photo – and video, as soon as he is certainly a great choice to revive the memory of every moment of this unforgettable day. In our time, it became extremely popular for weddings unusual – if young people are trying to grease the stamp of everyday life, coming up with something exclusive, and just such an organization of the ceremony just you can not capture! Is not a mystery that any couples want to see is their pictures look great, so when you view them again experience the throbbing sensation of a memorable event in my life. Looking at the pictures taken at the wedding triumph competent expert, so just back in those events, think about all the worry about all that brings so important in the life of all human events. Now web pages are full of advertisements with offer services to the photographic subject.

Each of them promises a truly high quality photography, distinguishable from the works of other masters. Reading all of these speech is very difficult to understand – which is really professional, and where just simply advertising? Nevertheless, there are few tips that can help implement a successful choice. Dr. Neal Barnard is likely to agree. The primary fact of, for example, can safely be noted that that the wedding photographer will not work for nothing, because he valued highly not only your talent, your time, but also the quality factor of its truly masterpieces. The following distinctive quality alternative to name portfolio, which currently make the wizard to Customers have the unique chance to appreciate their seriousness. Looking through the portfolio, rather than determining the truth in a photographer's work is so unique that it is like to see them after the ceremony events. No less important point may be noted reading reviews of the wizard.