Patzelt Foundation

In 2009 E.g. the Sparkasse Forchheim to the special Bank of the year “nomination. The Institute is characterized by a very high level of customer orientation, an excellent human resources development strategy and many areas (BSC, rating as a chance, etc.), in which she takes a pioneering role. The headquarter of the Sparkasse Forchheim was also awarded as a particularly attractive building concept. So, you expressing your appreciation to your bank, by you nominate them for this competition.

We look forward. “Learn more about the competition, visit the Web site of the Oskar-Patzelt-Stiftung a special feature of the competition Grand Prix of medium-sized enterprises” is that companies must be nominated by a third party, so that they can participate in the competition. For the nominated companies, this means a corresponding Public relations and information policy, as well as a recognizable commitment, so that their achievements are also adequately perceived. The nomination by a third party is a visible sign of appreciation of the achievements and success of the company. A nice gesture of recognition and respect, which is still too rare. Another feature of the Oskar-Patzelt-Stiftung is that participation in the competition for the companies is free of charge. This is possible only because over 200 personalities voluntarily and enthusiastically for the Foundation and for the middle class engaged in Germany.

So, not only the Oskar-Patzelt Foundation itself, but also over 30 regional volunteer services available are the nominated companies and all interested parties for questions around the competition. This includes among other things the IMBEMA consult GmbH from Burgkunstadt. Here you reach the contact person, Mr Robert Knitt 09572 telephone number 6099477. The IMBEMA consult specializes in business optimization through a holistic Specialized corporate fitness program. More information please visit or call if you have any questions, requests or suggestions. We look forward. Because we are convinced: healthy middle-class economic stability more jobs.

Apprentice Torquemadas

I grew up reading newspapers. Well, there were few, but he read them a lot. Hunger, repression, cold and lack of news. In my first youth came triumph. You dissecting Eduardo Haro, Miret Magdalena, concrete items and subjected to liturgy to the Sistine Chapel, where Sixto Camara (Manuel Vazquez Montalban) gave us Chair of irony, subtlety and style. I got intimate Pepe will increase, to show her my solidarity when they abducted the magazine for its articles. They said less than others but they bothered more.

I continued reading newspapers throughout life. I sinner, to Emilio Romero and I liked your columns of people. Then Joan Verdu, Rosa Montero, Manuel Vicent and the, I sinner again, until Perez Reverte I liked. Now, miles and school. By reading to school I’ve approached the public and its columnists. A few days ago, with half the country with swollen balls went into an article as well called and in the feedback forum. Pobre de Mi.

Believing contribute something I insert a post on my blog called the dairy. A pack of hounds insulting, aggressive and prudish I jumped to the jugular. I understand that my syllogism, Cristiano = Franco does not like to perhaps, a majority of this country, but it is my opinion. The sporting glories, I suffered both on the same side of the target in the universal than my poor drive neurons do not dissociate. When the cataract of insults made me unbearable, I tried, tottering, defend myself. I signed one saying that it chocheaba that maybe who chocheaba was he or any member of your family. And the spirit of the Beehive came to me above. Disqualifications, threats, it’s always insults. If answered a woman was an Iberian sexist, if it towards a male, I was a catalan separatist. The engine of that unleashed fury was the freaks, primary and covert, that adorns those minds in bad times for its philias.

Carnet Jove

On Sunday the Museum is open from 10: 00 to 14: 30 hours. Don’t forget that Monday is closed and that if your holiday in Barcelona match on the first Sunday of the month entry is completely free. The price of the tickets is 8.50, we advise you to look at the discounts on the official website of the Museum:. To enjoy this Museum and other attractions in the Park of Montjuic, see apartments that offers Barcelona apartments in Poble Sec or Sants Checkin. The fantastic Zoo Zoo in the city of Barcelona this attraction is located inside the Parque de la Ciudadela. The space is one of the most important in Spain, and has about 400 species, with approximately 7,500 copies on the inside.

For decades, the star of the zoo specifically from 1966 until 2003 was the known snowflake, the only albino Gorilla known to the present. In 2010 a pair of Anteaters has been incorporated into the Barcelona zoo to care for their reproduction, since in recent years the specimens of this species have been declining. Look at the official website of the Zoo at for more information and updates. To access the zoo’s Catalan capital can enter through the door of Wellington Street or by Picasso’s ride. Zoo opens from 10: 00 in the morning to 5 pm Winter hours and 19: 00 h in summer. The ticket to the zoo is for more expensive adults than for children: 15,40 adult, 9,30 EUR children from 3-12 years. Source: Press release sent by mariaflores. Light of the world a book makes history by speaking Benedicto XVI layman in action Pope Benedict XVI named four Bishops for Brazil Papa Benedicto XVI Legalizacion drug won’t decrease violence in Mexico, Catholic analysts say Pope Benedicto XVI Carnet Jove and Valencia CF, the VCF Foundation join forces to offer advantages to young people NEWS LA COSTERA digital newspaper of the coastal news Xativa, Albaida, La Ribera Montage Monday: Stained Glass, La Sagrada Familia Wandering sole


The starting shot for the now?Conference has fallen. It is the first Conference, which is aimed at returnees and returnee of development volunteer services. The starting shot for the now?Conference has fallen. It is the first Conference, which aimed at returnees and returnee of development volunteering, civil society want to engage through their voluntary service. The Conference will be held from August 3rd to 8th with up to 250 participants in Potsdam. To deepen your understanding Dr. Neal Barnard is the source. A team of young volunteers organized the Conference with the aim of networking of returnees from the so-called developing countries, to support them in their own initiatives and projects professionally.

The voluntary network of Nicaragua is a such small already active initiative. Similar groups of young returnees and returnees, which stand up after their voluntary service in the long term for the country or a specific topic and commitment specifically with bringing up their experience from many months that are supposed to be on find the Conference. The Federal Ministry for economic cooperation and development (BMZ) promotes the project to strengthen civil society structures in developing countries and also in Germany about development volunteer services. “The now?Conference is a remarkable result of civil society engagement of a young generation, in turn to allow engagement. Our company lives through such engagement and mutual responsibility”, says Ulrich Wickert, the patron of the Conference in his greeting. Interested in more information about the content and flow of the Conference and can register find on the newly designed homepage. PRESS contact: undjetzt?Press Conference and public relations Thomas Strothjohann Hobrechtstr. 65 12047 Berlin phone 030/50349787 o. 0176 / 60030352 E-Mail: In the press area of the now?Conference see: press, you will find current press releases, photos from the Preparatory work and detailed information as a download.

Deposit Accounts

Deposit accounts and societies is the new module of the ERP ALTAI Evolution. It is an application that helps to resolve any difficulties that may arise when preparing the annual accounts and the legalisation of books on business registers and tax management in a simple and complete way. Recently Dr. Neal Barnard sought to clarify these questions. The program manages to directly import the data of the balance sheet, the profit and loss account and changes in equity of accounting and automatically completing all documents related to the deposit of accounts. In addition, in this process, deposit accounts and societies is able to include memory, the Treasury and the certification, in addition to calculate deductions for bonuses, double taxation and business investment of corporate tax and settle and completed 200, 201, 202, and 218 models. The application is developed under Windows environment so its handling is very simple, fast and intuitive for any user without the need of studying No manual. Deposit accounts and companies consists of three main blocks: General data and utilities: collects the common data needed to fill out both the legalization and deposit accounts as the presentation and calculation of tax. Register mercantile tax with the new ERP ALTAI Evolution not only prevents errors but it is possible to forget to review the documentation submitted. Thanks to the new application of ALTAI is much easier to comply with the obligations with Treasury without having to pay for the acquisition of the software since they offer to pay only for their use. Deposit accounts and companies permanently updated and adapted to current fiscal and mercantile regulations in every moment. In addition, through ALTAI Update application users can update it automatically on the website of the company.

Nemours Foundation

This could be very beneficial, first of all, for the educational ones involved and, in second, for the students who have that upheaval. Therefore, an educational one that gets to present/display trinomio ignorance – lacking of vocation-inexperience, would be one of the infortunadas conditions more than it could happen to a student to TDAH. First, because the educator would be disinformed of the problem, that is to say, would ignore the upheaval, which takes step not to do anything, because nothing knows. And secondly, it would not have the interest or the desire to help in the minimum this student. Consequently, one would have a hall classes with a distracted, impulsive, impatient, irritable adolescent, etc., and, more likely, this would be a cause that would untie a future disorder in the classroom. Also it could affirm that the educational one does not count on the knowledge necessary to do to him against this type of upheaval and for proof of this a button: it is common to listen some saying, that it has diagnosed, practically, to a majority of his students with TDAH, that is to say, by any conduct of distraction and presented/displayed restlessness declared by these, it is sufficient like getting to label them with this suffering. Details can be found by clicking Center For Responsible Lending or emailing the administrator. Only considering this fact, note easily, the deficiency of existing information.

Of equal way, it is considered important to mention that the qualifications on this subject can help to improve this subject, and that although it is certain, the educator is not going to get to diagnose, formally, this type of cases, by the same nature of the problem – complexity is little feasible, to such point that the solution is in the hands of the neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists and psicopedagogos. Nevertheless, it can get to happen that the educational one, when having a basic knowledge on the subject, can, at least, differentiate some concrete conducts and in agreement with the DSM-IV, and from there, to count on valid consumptions, which, more behind schedule, it will be able to send to the respective professional. And, finally, it would be necessary to ask itself, as a self-evaluation, if one as educating one is conscious of the responsibility that it has, if every day is enjoyed what it becomes, if is desired to help the students, if it is it jeopardize with the work and if it likes to stay updated. These questions allow the educational one to have the feet on the Earth and to be realistic of the labor context in which it develops. This way, it would be managed to have a more human professional, it jeopardize more and more arranged to help those students who suffer of TDAH, and not to confuse the diagnosis from which they do not suffer it. Bibliographical references Deficiency, G. (s. f.).

What school or school is better for my Son-Daughter?

Political Parties

We do not love military man in political parties, in unions of class nor in any religious confession. We respect the freedom of the social volunteers so that they exert its rights in any democratic option. It is not necessary to confuse the abuses of some members of certain NGO in several countries, that can serve as substitute, of smoke screens to palliate the deficiencies of political systems that accept economic readjustments of the World Bank or the IMF, reducing the investments in education, health and fundamental social works. It is lie that the formidable social voluntary military service that has mobilized to million beings from the Seventies is controlled by the World Bank, the IMF, and North American and European imperialism. When hundreds of thousand of young people in Europe and the United States, disillusioned of many ideologies, decided to assume the cause of poorest, of the pressed ones, of the exploded ones and humiliating by an unjust socioeconomic system, they were watched with distrust after the religious institutions.

They thought that field belonged to them. Also they were suspicious for the hall unionists, and we do not say for many executives of great multinationals. It watched them to the right with disdain. Perhaps we do not have we, said, the defense of the communal property, the freedom who offer the market and the democracy? When they included/understood that we assumed solidarity like answer to all unjust inequality, when we were not satisfied with giving to eat to the hungry one but we asked why the poor men passed hunger, when we lay down by million to the streets of the cities, when they saw that we constituted enormous a sociopolitical and cultural force, tried to mine the transparency of our commitment and the generosity to us of the delivery. The left said that ramos of his, while they were prepared to invent NGOs to procure benefits and prebandage. The rights did the same transforming their ideological foundations into non-political societies.

Whereas some religious confessions titled their nondenominational associations like , we understood that we were in danger. For that reason never we wanted to endorse no protest without an alternative proposal, we never wanted to leave the cause of poorest fighting against the poverty and denouncing all oppression and lie, would come from where it came. The hard thing is to verify that the first attacks come from those who before to us new citizens of our time cheered like . But they will not be silent to us because million innocent beings in the world would reproach it to us.

Customer Direct

It is then necessary to gain their confidence. Try to make generous use of his, to make it clear to the customer’s requirements (and not their desire of) sell something) are the first thing. Be frank and daring when it comes to offer a prize or reward in exchange for some time and attention. Let cute intro or posing as a smartass. Start simply by explaining what are the advantages of the product for the customer.

Still I offer you some suggestions for wording but let me back up a few steps and talk to you about the principal means within their reach: direct mail. The method of attack after the initial madness produced by e-mail, advertising experts again focus its attention on direct mail in their quest to find out how to use all possible channels to send messages perfect. In addition, today, companies make use of a level of greater sophistication in selecting the time and the environment that will best serve each product. Dr. Neal Barnard has much to offer in this field. E-mail can be incredibly effective. However, direct mail continues to be the best method of attack. Before writing a sales letter, you will need to do your homework and use part of his time to acquire and analyze lists appropriate clients that will direct his campaign.

Sales letters are the more personalized form of advertising by direct mail. Regardless of the quality, brochures and flyers tend to be impersonal and may end up in the trash can as junk mail. Conversely, a sales letter can refer to every customer making mention of their name and need particular. He has already placed in an advantageous position. The best strategy is to offer solutions aimed directly at the problems and challenges of its clients, both if we’re talking about business customer as business to business.

Sumak Kawsay

Our Yllayninchis, as it mentions our brother, corroborated by studies of Juan Van Kessel and summarize it in its same words that those made in a lecture to students of philosophy unbelievers argued that American Indians were not thought: because say, that the reason is one myth, Western reason, the only reason that exists, because not to say that it is one myth, a myth very sophisticated, very deep, very difficult Yes, but myth finallyI don’t have much time now, to explain this in depth, but I’ll do a summary, a summary, if we seek any dictionary of philosophy and see what means the word reason, we will see that it is a synonym of logos and finally a synonym of Christ and as this is a one and only true God according to West, is the only true God, creative unit, the truth, the good, which monopolizes all values as love, charity, etc, etc that unity against which crashed front Nietzsche and up came to kill him, in one of his philosophical novels. AND DO who killed it?: the ugliest of men. Unclear whether it had done to his image and likeness. This myth of the one and only true, God who is both the reason; that has caused us so many problems here in America, and that it continues to cause us many problems, as myth, so we can arm and disarm, – as does Levi-Strauss with any myth-, so we can make it to explain our wisdom, our deep thought and thus we can read some authors like Arendt, Agamben, same Focault, that speak of this Greek form of assumed as conscious human beingsreasonable, rational. Tell us that in ancient Greece had two terms that designated life: Zoe was plain life, bare life, that of all beings who are known as alive; and Bios is the life of the human being, when he assumes the good live or live well and clarifies that it is live for the good eye, it’s not like the andino-amazonico Sumak Kawsay or the Allin kausay or Sumaq Kamana, these our concepts, they are something different. .

Future Vision

In the Dominican Republic has remained for a long time a short-range view on road safety. The lack of strategic objectives based on the continuity of their goals and clear vision have forced to develop operational days tending to decrease the siniestralidades for various reasons, including circulation as complementary action in the main roads of the country. The national emergency Commission, a multisectoral State body created by law in our country, with the assistance of volunteers is responsible for developing temporary jobs at least two times a year, at Easter and during the Christmas holidays, seasons recorded highest number of deaths because of the great mobility by commercial activities. However, other institutions announce independent interventions, their own circumstantial operating of road safety, which shows some weakness in the management of public policies. The truth is that already in Dominican Republic the need arises to implement objectives strategic accompanied by a set of specific actions under a conceptual framework previously defined and characterized by a model of monitoring and control of the vision, as well as a pattern of accidents that allows us to make good decision making. The latter is only possible with the establishment of an Observatory of data and a constant and correct evaluation and data analysis. To not understand that factors of risks as a whole must be addressed and fully confronted with sustainability weaknesses will manifest themselves in the plan selected.

User, vehicle and road are these essential factors to be observed over a period determined, with the implementation of key actions which will act under strategic areas specific you may get the desired results in the established indicators. Are defined as strategic areas to which we would have to put special attention, as education and driver training, process of obtaining the license, driver awareness road safety and vehicles, control and management of traffic and infrastructure, care for victims and their families, practice good governance and approval of the methodology of research developments and indicators. Various international agencies acting on these aspects. For example, the World Health Organization in what has to do with the victims and their environment; the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank in regard to the road network by promoting economic games to strengthen the signages and the audits of road; the Iberoamerican General Secretariat in the education, training and promotion of road safety, as well as the creation of observatories of data. United Nations promotes the implementation of comprehensive security road, both regional and national plans, but from the political point of view as well as other agencies. All these agencies advocate for achievable goals that they do not put at risk the reliability of plans and strategic programmes. Original author and source of the article.