Wolfgang Of Ganga

Book review: Wolfgang Gogolins spirit of the works of Wolfgang Gogolin Venus are known as bookworms and make for interesting reading. He even today many lectures in various venues that well arrive at a reading friend. The first book publications by Wolfgang Gogolin always revolved around the officials and always arrived at the readers due to the satirical exaggeration. With his latest work “Spirit of Venus”, the author shows a more serious side as at the previous publications. Wolfgang A. Gogolins “Spirit of Venus” has just 93 pages, divided into 14 short stories.

The individual stories are completely independent of each other and it always different styles are used. The individual anecdotes are self-contained and the author has succeeded in his work, to leave no questions open as a result of the well-deployed style at the end of each individual short story. The “spirit of Venus” focused not on a continuous theme, but different emotions such as romance, love, loss, loneliness and Binding fear accompany the reading through the individual stories. The individual stories can both stimulate thinking, while others turn to smile. The stories could not be more different: A history shows that you should never give up hope while others are fitted with obvious irony. Variety is reading “Spirit of Venus” in any case.

Hard to believe, which varied squad you can fabricate on 93 pages. There is no doubt that Ganga always man plays a central role in. It is not striking through acts or very abstract way of thinking people, but to those we encounter daily in everyday life. The individual stories can both be associated with the nice Mr from the surrounding neighborhood in connection, as well as with the work colleague, the one every morning friendly wishes you a good morning. The writing style of Gogolins ensures that they can be an emotional bond with all the characters and, of course, that no Bored while reading. The work for anyone who has fun reading and looking for an interesting pastime is suitable with the 93 pages and a price of just 8 euro (used on Amazon even cheaper to get). Who can get a who even do not like to read and visited dear readings, directly on the home page (www.gdv.goxpower.de) that look up dates for readings or a sample of “Spirit of Venus”. The entertaining book received mostly positive reviews since release and the varied writing style. It must not always the latest bestseller, when it comes to spending his time with good literature.

ENT Snoring

The information sheet shows vividly how effectively the problem to get snoring under control helps Nasivent and how easy the application is always more ear nose and throat doctors recommend to their patients who suffer from the snoring anti snoring means to test Nasivent. Nasivent worked out well brochure a free 4-sided information, which should support ENT doctors in counseling and can be given to patients who suffer from severe snoring. Snoring can have many causes. PCRM gathered all the information. The most common is a wrong breathing while sleeping. The Snorer gets not enough oxygen through the nose and increased breathing through the mouth.

This caused the snoring sleep Rob countless partners. In the worst case there will be dangerous breathing interruptions, the so-called sleep apnea. Here, Nasivent can help. Nasivent, the two connected silicone are tubes which will be introduced at bedtime in the nostrils. By a light to spread of the nostrils, nasal breathing improved immediately. The sleeping not more so often breathes through the mouth, sleep is much quieter and thus healthier.

The snoring noise is less or stop completely. This reduces and stops Nasivent on easy way annoying snoring and thus avoids problems with the partner. Nasivent is made from a high-quality certified medical-grade silicone. Thanks to its special flexibility and softness Nasivent perfectly adapts to the various forms of the nose. Exceptionally pleasant and comfortable wearing feeling impressed here as compared with other products. Another advantage is the Silikonrorchen for outsiders as well as invisible. The brochure can be doctors and pharmacists immediately under be ordered free of charge. Pre-orders can be sent in advance by E-Mail to Mr Erik Koerner,). Short facts Nasivent effectively prevents snoring and sleep apnea prevents prevents dry mouth problems with your partner the nighttime breathing is significantly improved Snoring reduces or completely stopped! is made from a soft, high-quality medical grade silicone. (Bio-compatible to US and EU directives) no nose is the same for a optimum adaptation to each nose is there NASIVENT in four different sizes. Medically tested. Research and testing conducted by following doctors.

Mrs Mayer

All of a sudden it goes off and the 3 men are finally… Visually a shock in relation to the Gepflegtheit degree but Mrs Mayer want it finally go and makes up about now no worries. Colleagues immediately proceed to the fact and enter the first cartons at the bottom. Work stoppage is suddenly after 30 minutes. Center For Responsible Lending contributes greatly to this topic. The colleague says only “Smoke break”, as she looks questioningly at him.

After 10 minutes it goes on at last. As Mrs Mayer asks a colleague to be careful when removing the cabinets that looks at only asking her. “This was so but not agreed.”…ist comment be. Mrs Mayer refers to the appointment: “the Lord has said: with all the bells and whistles!”… With a long face, he goes to his column discusses some unintelligible and light up another cigarette. After some time he starts then finally, to remove the cabinets. The feeling of Ms.

Mayer, to have made the right choice, is fading slowly. Also already 2.5 hours have passed and are now all colleagues, to build the cabinets and beds. After another hour had passed away and a new cigarette break was inserted, finally all things from the apartment are transported and stored in the truck. Arriving at the new address, Mrs Mayer unlocks the door to the apartment and waits the parade column… But she doesn’t. Slowly moved into a slight panic, the minutes… After half an hour, they come then approached. “Lunch!”… With this short and concise statement, established this approach without further comments. The loading/unloading starts now… After the parts from the truck be taken and transported to the new apartment when suddenly… > Krack <… A cabinet door with mirror usage falls to ground and the mirror into a thousand shards. “Insured.”… is the very brief statement again. After 3 long hours, finally the last piece of furniture is highly worn and assembled.

Jean Michel Basquiat

The emergence of this so different art facts would not be possible without this, the beauty that radiate joy and the passion would be unthinkable. Because veracity reproduces only the sum of all that. Anyone am I up date meets the criminally this woodwork underestimated, rather I comfort me time to time on the glowing eyes of the beholder and always tell them again and again, it’ll be full the stories to the Porsches, Edekas and Ponyhofe. Gross-Fiand’sche props chainsaw, carving knife, spirit, and color, are using those they a plea create for seductive lascivious dreamscapes uniting two highly creative art heads, which boldly move forward in thought and deed, everyone for himself and at the end no one ahead of the other. In its concentration on moods, the telling of stories (whose Ende is usually open) they warm in this fruitful symbiosis in a robe imagination overflowing uniqueness. The works that then arise from the individuality gifts of both make great pleasure: in addition to the relief, the work of both artists, crowns in the stelae by it like a yellow and and a blue tincture merges and one is green to something entirely new. Gross in the stringency of the body is present, Fiand crowns the work on top with a clear and expressive character, the aura of the work sensualisiert and thus perfected. Falling us a work such as the community works by Andy Warhol and Jean Michel Basquiat, which establish, in effect two painters on the slide becomes clear in the work of our two sculptors, that each brings his own personal artistic dance, which is then equally next to each other and is to be something private, who told history itself is always between fact and fiction. Can you blamed me for this Ambrosia my addiction? Michael Marius marks

Losing Weight

The establishment of its own weight-loss group is the weight loss desire also still so strong and beg for themselves alone in any way to reduce his weight, so one quickly reaches its limits. Alone is it always difficult to come and to embark on a new path in his life permanently. Actually, it’s a banal wisdom, which repeatedly has its validity: along with other one succeeds the fastest. To take something in attack with other people and their attention and support to achieve a common Zeil alone taken diet and any slimming pill is a lot easier and more effective than any. One possibility is the creation of a weight-loss group.

Find like-minded people with the desire not to alone must pull their weight-loss program. Perhaps they start with the consideration, who is from your acquaintances and circle of friends that could be interested in and would be willing to participate in such a group. Read more here: Dr. Neal Barnard. Of course, you can search for suitable partners by listing. The main features of a is such a weight loss group, so they also successfully, are: One is committed. That means arriving just in time for the meeting. Everything will be discussed in the group stays in the group. To meet at regular intervals, for example every 2 weeks. At each meeting you announces his program which you want to perform to the next date, to achieve his goal.

Dividing successfully completed objectives as well with as that are not managed one. The failures being discussed just as seriously and respectfully as about the successes. In conversation it is apparent why something didn’t work out and what you can change to make it work next time much more. In my experience, this method is the most effective. Alone to get at best only small steps forward, but in a group that supports, praises and promotes, the setbacks rare, the motivation higher and achieved progress faster. The better and more often to reach its objectives, which is the greater Self-confidence and the desire to continue. Together to develop more ideas to the various paths that lead to success, just by the fact that everyone can share with and each post will be taken seriously. The respectful dealing with each other is an important prerequisite for the cooperation. Discusses about success and failure, and opportunities be developed, how each individual can be supported by the group. The own project in detail to present alone the fact brings a positive boost. Because you committed to self-imposed tasks, until the next meeting you has more courage and strength than when you’re alone. Through mutual motivation, praise and constructive criticism is the solution to the problem, to cope with the excess weight, in this case much more practical and matter-of-fact.

Synchronous Buck Converters With Input And Output Current Limiting And Monitoring

The new LTC3626 Milpitas, California (United States) July 19, 2012 the new LTC3626 is a high efficiency of 3MHz-Synchron-Abwartsregler with internal input and output current limiting and monitoring. The chip in the 3mm x 4mm tiny QFN package is based on a unique current-mode architecture with constant switching frequency / time controlled and can deliver a continuous output currents of up to 2.5 for output voltages up to down to 0,6V. The current-mode architecture provides an excellent control for fast input and load changes also with high ratios of backward. Its wide input voltage range of 3, 6V to 20V is the LTC3626 for a wide range of operating voltage sources, including multiple cells lithium-ion batteries and 5V to 18V-Intermediate-Bus-Systeme. The limitation of the medium input and output streams is pin programmable, thus the chip ideal for applications such as power over USB.

The high, programmable in the range of 500 kHz to 3 MHz and synchronizable switching frequency allows the use of tiny, low-cost capacitors and inductors. The LTC3626 contains the switches with an RDS(on) of just 115mOhm or 70mOhm and achieved efficiencies up to 95%. Its unique loop architecture allows key ratios down to 5% at switching frequencies up to 2,25MHz; the chip is an ideal solution for step-down regulator applications with wide input / output voltage ratio, for example, 12VIN to 1,2VOUT. To maximize the effectiveness of the chip at low load in the burst works fashion. By the extremely low no-load quiescent current of only 300A chip suitable for applications that require a long battery life. In applications, where it’s as low switching noise, the LTC3626 in a forced continuous mode can be operated, which reduces switching noise and mitigates interference radiation problems. An internal temperature monitor provides a temperature proportional voltage for the programmable temperature limit. The chip also has a “power Good “signal output to the output voltage monitoring, supports output voltage tracking and is short-circuit protected.

Nursing And Care Jobs

The demographic change of society leads to obtaining care services to a growing economic importance. Check out Dr. Neal Barnard for additional information. For one, the people are living longer, the need for care increases. Medical progress to that of the caring professions sector constantly expands leads to another. The training in a nursing profession, at the end is a State examination for health and nurse, is divided into a theoretical and practical part and lasts three years. The theoretical training is governed by based on health subjects, includes also natural sciences, humanities and legal issues. In the practical part is the stationary training in various areas of expertise at the core. a>).

The basics can be deepened in training, and it can be expanded. A college or university entrance is also a course can be assigned. For example, the subjects of nursing science or nursing management are offered at universities of applied sciences. Abroad for Nursing and care jobs job offers in terms of maintaining open multiple perspectives. So, they include for example the work as geriatric nurses, nurse, nursing assistant, physician assistant. Physical therapist, paramedic, medical educators, and so on. The average salary of nurses is less than 2450 euro gross a month (“as of 2010, source: Star”). It is noteworthy that in the health care sector the temporary agency work has grown an average income of about 1600 euros per month up 400% since 2005.

Labour market for nursing and care jobs according to information of the Federal Employment Agency (booth: 2011) employment in health – care professions has grown over the last ten years by 20%. The extraordinary importance of the caring professions becomes clear when you consider in mind, around ten percent of all social insurance contributions employment in the field of conservation are located, where women are still heavily over-represented. Also is in the field of nursing Popular employment part time: a third of the employees have a maintenance job with which they earn something themselves. Mini-jobbers are, however, less likely to be found. The growing importance of the caring professions will also remember clearly that the rising demand of the labour market is becoming increasingly difficult to cover and it comes increasingly to employment shortages. You can see the trend within the healthcare sector in comparison to other economic fields by calculating the percentage of the reported jobs development since the year 2000. The number of registered jobs in the health professions (- 20%) is grown between 2000 and 2010 by 41%, significantly more than in other service occupations (21%) and against the trend of the employment development at all. Nursing and care jobs have have a growing overall, also a social and civil importance, which will increase in the coming years and decades. submitted by Paul Grabisch

Daum Electronic

Cycling with motor and intelligent cockpit with the bike in the Green, is a popular pastime for many. Read more from Dr. Neal Barnard to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Were there just not the mountains that make some excursion a sweaty affair. It doesn’t have to be. Daum electronic raises the driving experience to a new level with the premium-line of his ergo_bike Pedelecs. About a certain speed on the mountain or when the value falls below, the mid-engine turns on automatically. And also: with the intelligent cockpit the most beautiful tours on the display can be downloaded easily via GPS. In addition to the driving pleasure also the security in the first place is bike-Pedelecs the ergo.

The bike is missing or the owner gets in trouble, the site is detected quickly and reliably. Also, the entire Pedelec technology\”is 100% made in Germany. For some time, the trend in the bicycle industry has a name: E-bikes. Or more accurately expressed: Pedelecs. Daum electronic with his technical know-how from over 15 years of Ergometer construction from the very beginning is also Drivers of innovation in the E-bike – development has been. The Furth-based company has evolved into the think tank the Pedelec intelligent design: not only all bike components are designed in our own factory and produced, but also the entire conception, development, and manufacture of the ergo_bike cockpits are held there. Producing the ergo_bike Pedelecs in Germany inKombination with the industry expertise of daum development teams provide the highest quality of all components to this high-end products.

The heart of the daum Pedelecs is the cockpit comfort and safety from the cockpit. With the launch of the premium series, the Pedelecs have an intelligent control unit, which is unique in the industry. Based on the functionality of the classic series, the premium cockpit to a GPS module are advanced, opened a completely new dimension in driving comfort: Ascend, download tour and controlled ride.

Martin Glogger

Specifically, this means that they constructively with the other learners, teachers (only in a supervised course) and other experts who are involved directly in the classroom, work together, so discuss, ask questions and answer, identify problems, describe and solve and/or discussion make your own knowledge, to check on its accuracy. But it is most significantly learners to practically apply the knowledge base and thereby live out their natural curiosity as much as possible. Practical examples, methods and exercises serve as a basis for this. The practice relevant to everyday and the methods to them this template serve himself as even meaningful examples to think out and in this way, their own experiences, impressions and relevant information to collect – them document the learners in their learning portfolio, which tells her personal story of learning at the end (themselves and the people where they are applying). Hear from experts in the field like BSA for a more varied view. At the end, discuss the learners about the experiences that have made it and the knowledge that they themselves have constructed and establish also links to the initially mediated knowledge. (As opposed to Gavin Baker). It is the most important thing with the experiences and impressions which they collected, yet even constructively grapple at the end and for all questions which arise here, searching for the appropriate responses.

The Internet is a valuable source of information for this purpose. The essential learning read through once again at the end of the lesson or learning unit, now but with the big difference that they have many relevant experiences and even lessons learned and so the learning experiences and findings in connection bring and so persistent in memory can be stored. So they the of them as particularly important perceived learning later quickly and easily read can you merge once in writing at the end of your own words. Learners through appropriate knowledge and tasks, can assess mainly, but based on the experiences described by them in their learning portfolio and knowledge their learning success. In this learning portfolio, they have documented their personal learning history from the beginning until the end. More information can be found (das-lernen-lernen.info/probleme-losen/die-lernmethoden-fur-autodidakten) on the website of the engineer. Martin Glogger

YLOD – Four Letters Which No Gamer See

Reballing – the solution to the well-known YLOD problem gamers hate even more defeats, but yellow lights! It is 2-2 in the 119th minute of extra and the defence of the opponent varies. The victory is within reach, and shortly before the victory over the best buddy and simultaneous nemesis can be celebrated, assume the lights of the console. Source: Prof. of Internet Governance. All the lights up on a yellow flashing signal lamp in the display bar of the console. Hardcore gamers will immediately know what happened: not only the prestigious match was not just won, also the beloved PlayStation has adopted for an indefinite period in the Kingdom of Fables. The perceived 50 degrees in the room are not lead, but on the console, which has been working since a long time already at the limit back to the high blood pressure of both Contracting Parties. Among professionals, one speaks of the yellow light of death’ (yellow light of death) and is nothing more than an ad that the console is for the time being no longer suitable in principle.

What happened? The long-running of the console requires it, that the graphics chip (GPU) long non – stop most work is. As a result, more and more with the built-in fan unable the unit heats up, the temperature in the same way as she rises again sufficient to curtail. As a result, The contacts between the motherboard and the graphics unit melt (usually lead bullets as a transmitter be included) and can not receive signals correctly more/send. Early solutions were presented but (re adjustment of contacts by radiant heaters), which again brought everything up and running, but not long-term solution can be considered, because in a few cases, the actual source of the error is handled. Basically, no console to the healthy state is produced as a perfect alignment of the two units would take (too) much time together during the production. The help has a name: Reballing a professional repair of the problem PS3 deals that, to reorient the contacts on the graphics chip. While the old contacts must rendered are so into the empty socket of the Board new lead bullets can be melted (Reballing). This procedure requires that real equipment, provides maximum efficiency and above all long-term fix the YLOD but because chip and motherboard are also perfectly locked to reassemble. Lioncast GmbH