Applied Research

Part-time online courses start in October 2013 the Fraunhofer Academy our aim is, through our training formats the enterprises to offer current knowledge and competences of the Fraunhofer institutes “, explains Dr. Roman gods, Director of the Fraunhofer Academy.”Because only if new findings in the company get and there are innovations, has applied research sense, he adds. The offer of Fraunhofer Academy reflects the thematic width of the research-based Fraunhofer Institute. The four online degree programs starting in the autumn of 2013 allow participants on a high scientific level to educate themselves, without having to leave your company: the contents can be completed mostly online and in free time disposition. MASTER: ONLINE Bauphysik damage prevention rather than remediation under the roof of the Fraunhofer Academy provide the University of Stuttgart and the Fraunhofer Institute for building physics IBP the course MASTER: ONLINE construction physics to. This is the first accredited master in building physics with the degree”master of building physics”(M.BP).

He is architects active in the construction sector and architects and engineers and engineers who future want to educate themselves in addition to the profession. The syllabus followed the principle damage prevention rather than remediation. Through the prestigious and internationally recognized researchers of the Fraunhofer Institute for building physics IBP, which are responsible for a large portion of the courses of the program, current research results directly incorporated into the lesson. Numerous periods of personal attendance of the course are carried out in the laboratory facilities at the two sites of the Fraunhofer IBP in Stuttgart and wooden churches. Unique insights into the building physics research opens thereby the students and they come up with innovative and ground-breaking technologies already before their market launch in contact. This technical cooperation makes this study unique in the world. Master online photovoltaics technology in the context of economic and ecological contexts the Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg and the Fraunhofer-Institut fur Solare Energiesysteme ISE offer the international distance learning course master online photovoltaics under the umbrella of the Fraunhofer Academy.