Awareness Campaigns

The global awareness campaign supported by the international of Church of Scientology drug facts, to discourage people from drug use the Scientology churches join together more and more with their drug awareness campaign with like-minded groups and individuals. Contacting with the brochure facts about drugs”more than 100 million people worldwide. The need for effective drug prevention has been never urgent. Worldwide, about 210 million people consume illegal drugs. Nearly 200,000 drug abuse kills people, according to the world drug report of the United Nations. In the United States, now more high school students smoke marijuana than normal cigarettes. Every 12 seconds a compulsory school kid for the first time experimenting with illegal drugs. Each year the children are also younger, taking these dangerous substances.

The Church takes the founder of the Scientology religion – L. Ron Hubbard – as a model and the range goes, people in advance exactly over the To inform facts of drugs. Also sufficient to inform people around the world, the Church of Scientology International supports an educational campaign of institutions and associations say no to drugs”. You supported the production of thousands of information packets, banners, posters and educational kits that contain also DVDs with video clips, so that they free can be provided the general public. Young people who believe have heard everything about the different drugs and the against scare-mongering”are very skeptical, to grapple with the information materials. Learn about the issue of drugs and the devastating effects of the drug. The police Chief of one of the most employed police stations in Los Angeles described the value of the drug education program drug facts”for his district as follows:”the educational brochures and videos were education in our community about the negative effects of illegal drugs our company have, of inestimable value.” In the South-East of the United States, there was a district, which was ranked in the top third of the districts due to accidental overdoses of prescription drugs.