
Another point to be observed in the communication, according to author, is the vocabulary, that must translate into the receiver accurately the same felt that it has for the sender, when this does not occur, we say that it did not have an efficient communication. Thus, so that an efficient communication occurs, it is necessary the use of an understandable vocabulary to the receiver as it is to the sender. The communication is composed of verbal and not-verbal manifestations that are used for the communicators, with the intention to change information. The verbal one mentions the express words to it by means of the said language or writing that we use stops communicating in them. For intermediary of the language, we can display our ideas, divide experiences with the other people.

Therefore, without it, we can be limited and not to be understood (STEFANELLI, 1993). Regarding the verbal communication, Bakhtin comments: The job of the language is effected in form of declared (you pray and writings) concrete and only, pronounced for integrant of this or that field of the activity human being. These statements reflect the conditions specific and the purposes of each related field … Evidently, each particular statement is individual, but each field of use of the language elaborates its relatively steady types of statements, which we call sorts of the speech. (BAKHTIN, 2006, 261). The not-verbal communication mentions the manifestations to it of the body, not express for words, as the expressions face, the position of the body, the gestures among others. This form of communication is unconscious and control is not had on it (STEFANELLI, 1993). As if it does not have control on the not-verbal communication, many times are with the aid of the manifestations that we perceive if the sad, glad person this, with fear, feeling pain or worried. Among these manifestations, we can detach the face expression and the corporal one, however all the types of communication can provoke incompreenso, depending on the way as express and it is interpreted, causing modifications in the cases where the communication is effective (STEFANELLI, 1993).