Brazilian Constitution

I wrote an article with this exactly heading, Curiously, I consider this the most important article that already I wrote, but for the time being I have few readers. I do not know if all already had attempted against. We are living the danger of ' ' dictatorship of bem' '. They are movements that if say ' ' protectors of sociedade' ' that influences public agents so that laws and regulations are created inappellably that go to intervene with our life. because, theoretically, they defend attitudes ' ' of bem' ' , they find echo between the imprudent ones. Illed-inform they are the ones that do not obtain to see as its life goes to lose the freedom and the intended favour if norms will be approved.

As for the health or to the risks of life, for example, the dictatorship of the good finds an allied powerful, that can very badly be used. The Brazilian Constitution says that all we have right to the health. To give to all type of medical assistance the 190 million Brazilians seems half utopian but, we go there, takes that one day if obtains. The biggest problem is the solutions if to fulfill what it is written. The private plans of health are, in part, subsidized for the government. This wants to say that, exactly that you are rich, if not to use the security belt and will be to stop in the hospital, the common man goes to pay a part of the account. Soon: they had arranged a beautiful excuse to moor me inside of my car and to add the value of the belt in the price of the car.

Soon in the automobile, one of the last redoubts of freedom of the man, where it can cry out, xingar, sing, love, go and come, any thing. To cause accidents cannot, but to use kit first-aid, belt of security and other devices that still go to invent somebody to gain one comissozinha, this can. He is as the American author of &#039 said; ' The Bab&#039 State; '. In the United States, because a child if drowned in a swimming pool, they had created an apparatus of security for all the thousands of swimming pools of the country that cost a dribble to the contributors and took off until the favour to swim. It wants another one? This way, they had invented a new identity card. I am not needing a new identity card but, together with 190 million Brazilians, I go to have that to enter in a line to take off the new. The justification: more technology, more security, more control. Already it thought about the commission that can involve in this business? Now they are the foods. If I to want to be fat person, I cannot be, because any decurrent illness goes to cost expensive to the SUS. The price for the lack of my pleasure in taking an ice cream, however, the bureaucrat ' ' of bem' ' it does not go to pay. It nor the least consider that my being is joins: he can have cholesterol, triglecerdios, diabetes, but with certainty also he has endorfina, mind, spirit, desire, satisfaction. We do not need State in our lives more. We need less. Little taxes, little interferences. freedom.