In what it relates to the ambientalismo, the years of 1960 to the 70 will mark the emergency of social movements, between these the ecological movement. It can, then, to affirm that, the social fights were made by the working-class movement in its chains: social democrat, Communist and anarchist. In this direction, on daily problems the specific realities make to germinate eclectic movements, as the fight feminist, of the civil laws, the fight against the racial segregation, of the homosexuals, and amongst, ambientalismo4. As Carlos Walter Gonalves Port, the critical one centered in the production way will bequeath spaces the movements, on to other social pursuings 2 BRGGER, 1996, op. Cit.
3 REIGOTA, 1994, op. Cit. 4GONALVES, 1993, op. Cit. that they exceeded the barriers of critical to the capitalism, choosing the flags as the critical one to the way of vida5.
Inside of the ecological movement, diverse fights such as: deforestation of forests, extinguishing of species, use of agrotxicos, wild urbanization, demographic explosion, pollution of ecosystems, construction of barrages, erosion of ground, armament race, nuclear threat and others they will be part of the concerns of the ecological movement of the decades of 1970-80. One of the main icons of international the ambient fight is the Greeanpeace, that appeared at the beginning of the years of 1970. ' ' … the roots of these movements already came being developed, however the prominence reached for these social manifestations in the scene politician is more significant at this time. Fact this that allowed to greater access to the media, that in turn, found in these movements hooks for too much substances that approached the other sources of these phenomena sociais' ' 6. To the end of the decade of 1970, the experiences of exiled politicians will go to unify themselves with Brazilian experiences. E, from this phenomenon is distinguished it entity AGAPAN of the State of the Rio Grande Do Sul.