Cabinet Contributions

In words D. Gabriel Vazquez, labor lawyer and partner of the firm Advocatia lawyers, not being predicted that the Fund is being funded with the increase of enterprises contributions to Social Security, options that are left are: modify the rest of quotas of contribution percentages or that are workers who assume the payment of the contributions that the Fund is nutria. Both Mr. Gabriel Vazquez and the other rapporteurs Spaniards, D. Francisco Gonzalez de Lena, Director of the Cabinet of the President of the Council economic and Social and the Professor of labour law and labour law lawyer of the law firm Miralles, D. Carlos Miralles, agreed that the more predictable option in Spain is the change percentages of assessed contributions to finance the Fund unless it involves an additional cost for the companies. In conclusion, it should be noted that thanks to conferences performance of the Austrian labour model is has been able to learn first hand. At the moment, there to wait for the definitive legal development to know all the nuances of this reform Labor, but thanks to the rapporteurs have been focus the question and discuss how to be applied in our country. About the Hispano-Austriaca Association of Jurists the Association Hispano-Austriaca of Jurists (AHAUJ) created in July 2009 is vocation to serve as an open forum to promote the exchange of experiences between Austrian and Spanish lawyers. This association without spirit non-profit and with registered office in Madrid, pursues as its main objective the safeguarding of constitutional, legal and legal values recognized as essential in both States, as well as the universal declarations of human rights and the European Union. Original author and source of the article.