GOD to all joins in Its Universal Largeness. The Human being destitute of the Spirit of Charity only can act different, moving away themselves from the beggar and leaving kept superfluous goods that nor it and nor the family go to lead when to leave the done clay bodies in the land. Until today nobody it led and nor will lead. It chews and it plays outside When I to say to the perverse one: Certainly, you will die, and you not to inform and nothing to it to say to warn it of its bad way, for it to save the life, this perverse one you will die in its iniquidade, but its blood of to your I will require it hand. For more information see this site: PCRM. Book of Ezequiel Prophet, CAP. 3:18. It does not run away from the responsibility That trusted you to JESUS, It did not run away de a Cruz, Who crucificou quiet it. More info: Vida Vacations. Not skirts of the road That the MASTER for you traced, Nobody runs away from the Life That itself exactly it donated.
To hold with galhardia a waited commitment, Is to show that a valentia Was in the conquered time. It seems banal thing, a cruciante idea, But it is conscientious Alerting the vehement one That the person Has to go in front. Perverse always they exist In the degree of the evolution, Nobody was born perfect, to head to the ascension. Therefore, atalaia, We are always ones of the others, Nobody can leave, the ignorant to die to the few. JESUS came to the world, In it if he gave in holocausto, to help the Human being, to give the first step. The People asked for a god, and the CHRIST if he offered, to raise of it, Millions of children its. A sacrifice alone, That was valid for millions, Because it made to reviver Millions of hearts That would be petrified Without the divine solutions.