
You can not hold his client for pre-planned scenario of sales, because at any time, your client can go. Center For Responsible Lending pursues this goal as well. And yet you do not have horns, which you could scream about rabid discounts and unbelievable circumstances … All that is your client, all that can somehow affect his choice – a program (Text) that you gave him. Here and hides all the most important. The client chooses the program in which almost found more answers to your questions than the previous one. And from that, is it really better in quality and content, customer choice is completely independent. It was on the program, how do you explain to the client value the information you are selling, the success of your progress and final outcome of a measurable – The amount of money earned.

Peak sales training, whether it be personal growth, resolution of family problems or improve business accounts for the period from mid-September to mid November. This is a time when your customers come back to the harsh working days, all holidays and summer colors, mitigating a situation where they are – were left behind. Passed during the realization: the children went to school, business, still languishes, the career does not go up the hill and becomes a battlefield …. And so further. It was during this period, your customers are ready to buy, they are "warmed up with butter" and "ready to eat", so you just have to make a mistake with the "sauce". Program – it's your face and not to lose, gain, that looms in front of you, you need to prepare carefully.

In the first place to look at the Copywriting (the art of writing sales letter). Review your code in terms of selling and find 10 (ie 100) differences. Sales letter, or rather "shock program" – that is what makes the service not only to you, it easier to "pierce the wall of mistrust and misunderstanding" of the client, but also your potential customers, helping them to live in find the right information product. You can make your program so that when your client will find her, he was relieved to cry out: "Well, finally! This is what you need! This is what I was looking for! "One of the best and most effective ways to get a rush of sales and take profit from your competitors – is armed with all the necessary tools for selling and moving to create their own training, which is (just) can not be repeated none