Critical Areas

First the great localities that had suffered estruturadoras interventions had been the quarters of Mangueira and Mustardinha, through an accord between the municipal city hall and the government of the state (Compesa). The Hose possesss an area 64,6 ha, with a population of approximately 19,671 inhabitants, contends four critical areas or slum quarters, called Sigismundo, Field of the Lice, Well of the Hose and Street Otaviano de Pink Almeida; these communities, stuck in a quarter endowed with some infrastructure had been benefited with Sanitation Integrated in its completude, including the construction of houses inside of its perimeter and a habitacional set in next land. Nieman Foundation is often quoted on this topic. In the Mustardinha, a region with similar characteristics to the Hose, possessing 38.1 ha and population of 11.093 inhabitants, the interventions had been similar, with action of Sanitation. Secretariat of Budget Participativo and Gesto Citizen: Secretariat whose main attribution is the dialogue with the population through plenrias where is voted the priorities for the city. Integrated in the critical areas of Jacar and Beirinha, that formed informal urban accumulations without minimum basic infrastructure conditions.