Axel Jungk looks it in a lecture: true patriotism leads to the self-sacrifice of the individual for the whole. For even more opinions, read materials from Boy Scouts of America. So patriotism is born from the consciousness of oneness with a multiplicity of a collective sense,”. Now this love can make us really do to sacrifice us. But life is so valuable! These thoughts also lead me to worry me about the knowledge of Siegmund Freund to the one who so dangerous is man who himself does not love and respect on time for others, because he can not make others feel lack of self-love and self-loathing, in battle with the life drive, only to the superelevation of the self, and then to the hatred of others will? What is true? I can open the question! How is it with the patriotism in the sense of the Party? The question also arises when there is a patriotism and when it is a nationalism? The two concepts are not easy to separate from each other. I believe that the boundaries are not clear between patriotism and nationalism, and both blend into each other. With the other and Church cross-development, unfolded a kind of nationalism in the Mesopotamian sense – not only in the homeland, but sparked in the diaspora by expatriate thinkers such as Farid Nazha Gabriel Ibrahim Some, Sanharib Bali Naoum Julie, and others. The political and cultural work at the mass, as well as the Konfessionsunabhangige awakened nationalist sentiment and highlighted national identity in various shape, could use a continuous nationalism in the mesopotamistischen sense in motion. At the heart of this body of thought is the view of Syrian Christianity and of a faith, but also of the original homeland of Mesopotamia as a historical home. Here it is certainly to connect with the Eastern Christianity, but is also strong with the chriostlichen charity combined. We are talking about the love for a national homeland.