In ELCO burners use the latest innovations in technology and proprietary engineering solutions into coupled with the achievements of electronics and automation. Fuel oil (diesel burner) burner fan with built-pump for pumping liquid fuel from the tank. They are cheaper than natural gas due to economical scheme throttle. Oil burner – suitable for combustion of liquid fuels (heating oil, diesel fuel). The company is the market ELCO Series (series EL, E5 L, EK05-EK06 L, EK6-EK9 L, EK DUO L, RPD L) oil burners capacity from 25 kW to 55 MW to work on light and heavy fuel oil with low emissions of harmful substances. The "diesel" fuel oil burner, supplied under pressure is sprayed to a gaseous state. In a mixing cell fuel vapor mixed with air (oxygen) and the resulting combustible mixture is ignited at the exit of the mixing chamber providing stable flames. The company produces oil burners ELCO with mechanical jets and steam jets.
Practical solution to form burner gives you access to the device's internal components. The flame is carried through removable photoresist element. In burners with mechanical injection of liquid fuel injectors is through a special nozzle that has a unique design. Fuel is supplied to the nozzle under pressure from high-pressure fuel pump. Oil burner ELCO, working on heavy liquid fuels, and are designed for medium and heavy burning liquid fuel. The use of steam spray of heavy fuel oil can warm up first to reduce the viscosity, thereby reducing the level of emissions and provide better atomization. By installing and commissioning of the oil burner is better to involve a specialist.
To be effective, and the burner should take into account the existing rules. It's no secret that the basic requirements for modern heating systems is to provide a continuous process of heating and reliable operation of all systems. To accomplish this task successfully used the combined burner. Typically, multi-fuel burners are equipped with two motors – one for the fan, the other for the fuel pump. And also has 2 modes of operation as a gas, as well as on diesel. Under the order can be completed dual fuel burners of the automatic switching from gas to liquid fuel, which will provide the change management of the gas pressure, outside temperature or programmed with a timer device. Normal burner equipment requires manual switching from one fuel to another. The advantage of using dual fuel burners is easy to feel at a time when: There is no stable source of one type of fuel; Economic conditions change frequently and prefer one or another type of fuel changes in the operation of heating equipment, ensuring 100% reliability and continuity of heat; Opportunity transition to the gaseous fuel. We hope that the above information will help you understand the selection of equipment best meets your needs.