Electrical Equipment

The company is implementing BIELEKTRO breakers and voltage transformers, electricity meters and current transformers. Focus your attention on the fact that the whole range of , offered to our store produced in factories that have a reputation as a reliable and serious supplier. Our product is certified and meets all the conditions of State Standard. Our site is implemented with concern for the electrical load. And this – the whole the people of our great Russia. Come to our store BIELEKTRO in which you will always find, including electric meters, cut in type and flip the switches and transformers, voltage and current. For residents of Moscow there is no option see an enormous amount of E in search of electrical equipment.

You just need to get our online resource and see the catalog of products. Meters are the most purchased products. In our store you will always find the energy meters and electronic induction-phase and single phase. We are selling a different one tariff dvuhtarifnoe trehtarifnoe and equipment of this kind. Counters electricity purchased from our store, have a magnificent view and are very practical in operation, as they give owners the ability to control using the records of discharge power on special schedule.

Our meters can automatically switch to daylight saving time. In addition, we offer you and multirate meters metering, able to count the energy consumed in several time zones of day. Such devices are actual owners of private enterprises, as well as in industrial sector. In the list of goods of our representation, any accessories you otischite for electricity in the price of products online resource BIELEKTRO good selection of cut in type and perekednyh breakers. There are circuit breakers that are used to enable or disable and check power supply, or when transferring the user back to the main line. Y We carry circuit breakers open and closed. All are standard size. Short handle circuit breakers could easily operate the equipment. Circuit breakers in our store are sold Completed rod, which allows, if necessary, to make rukoyatkurubilnika outside electrical panel. We invite customers who need current and voltage transformers for industrial facilities that use electricity at lower voltages than applied in the electrical, we offer high-voltage step-down transformers. They convert the primary winding on the line for low voltage electricity and This ensures safe operation of industrial enterprises. The range of such equipment in our shopping centers are common. With us you buy the power transformers and oil-dry, single-and three-phase. We cater to the needs of customers who want to buy transformers for heat treatment of concrete and soil, as well as transformers for temporary and local coverage. In our catalog in stock transformers and power supply for hand power tools. If you are looking for a single-phase transformers, which are indispensable for use in various branches of the economy, they also have in our stock. Always in availability and to order three-phase transformers used for metering electrical energy in enterprises that involve electrical alternating current. All equipment is reflected in the catalog – the highest quality, is reliable and safe, that is certainly the overarching thesis work using electrical energy to other basic products we sell – their durability and neprihotlivolst for operation in various climatic conditions. We have employed competent employees, well versed in electrical equipment. Our consultants will advise on any matter that you might have, beautifully served and give you exactly what electrical equipment, which will fully meet your needs.