Realities of our lives offer plenty of opportunities to conduct various business activities giving our people great opportunities to improve both their own welfare and the level of economy as a whole. But for running your own business it is necessary to register the company, becoming its founder. Who can become a founder (participant) Ltd and in what quantity? Current legislation determined that the founder of the Society shall be citizens and legal persons. In practice, this means that the founders may make any Russian citizens and foreign nationals, as well as any legal entity of the Russian Federation and foreign entities. The same law provides for the possibility of banning or restricting the participation of certain categories of citizens in societies.
But it should be noted that to date the list of citizens law is not defined. Nevertheless, various employees have limits on commercial activities in its contracts with federal agencies. These employees include police officers, employees, and Sun, etc. Section 4 Art. 66 Civil Code expressly prohibits only state agencies and local authorities to act as participants Societies unless otherwise established by federal law. This is explained by the fact that members of society have the right to dispose of the property possessed by the subjects of civil relations. A current legislation forbids it to make these bodies. In addition, the legislator has provided yet another constraint: Society can not have as its sole founder other entity consisting of one person. This restriction is to prevent abuse of the bankruptcy and avoid responsibility the parent company for the debts of a subsidiary.