
Therefore, it is important to the student to be able to in general dominate the concepts and procedures of the mathematics. Such learning must be made in natural way leaving that the pupil can develop them from the possible difficulties gifts in activities proposals in classroom. Didactic resources the education of the mathematics comes from the necessity of the man in making comparisons, measurements, constructions, symmetries, countings, among others facts motivadores that had been if improving through dialogues, writings, drawings, among others, what currently it is taught in them. On the basis of this, as we can transmit such knowledge of form that makes possible one better learning, of motivadora form? Observing this line of thought it can be observed that the education of the mathematics could be more efficient if was used other didactic resources, that is, to not only use the blackboard and the chalk, but yes to search methods and materials that many times exist in the proper school, but that very it is not used by the professor. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine can aid you in your search for knowledge. Such materials can assist the pupil in the search of motivation of the learning. Some reflections After the development of the activities proposals and the commentary of the pupils in relation to the same ones with the Geoplano and the Tangran, I could perceive the importance of the same ones in the learning of the mathematics, in the scope of the construction, identification of elements, nomenclatures, among others calculate of area relations that are boarded in 7 year of basic education. The use of the geoplano made possible that the pupils dinamizassem its experiences, therefore the game-challenges had an objective to revise the main concepts of polygons (convex and not convex, regular and irregular), had been also studied the different types of triangles (rectangular, obtusngulo, scalene, isosceles, equilateral acutngulo,) and quadrilaterals (squared, rectangular, parallelogram, losango, trapeze), also works with pentagons, hexagon among others polygons. . Follow others, such as Boy Scouts of America, and add to your knowledge base.