This acts as process where if of the transference of a message of an sender, for verbal, not-verbal, chemical, electromagnetic a receiver, being able to be among others. The act of if communicating would be the way for intermediary of which the individual displays its experiences, ideas, knowledge and feelings to another human being. Soon, through this, a message is codified and exactly decoded using sonorous, iconographic or gestuais systems and signs or symbols among others (PEN-CASANOVA, 1999). Such can be used with verbal communication, audible manifestation, in the form of speaks, but not-verbal, as of form also written, in the corporal language, among others. It is important, to stand out, however, that, amongst the human beings the transference of the verbal message, involves a falante and one or more listeners. Therefore, the individuals are programmed since early communicating itself. Composed of systems of transmission of messages, in its verbal form the communication has the language, that in turn says it has it as main element (PEN-CASANOVA, 1999). Soon, the language says and allows it the transmission of the message.
It says it, as Guedes (1997) is a function of the breath, on to the neurofisiolgicas changes of the larngeos consequences, of the musculatura of the joint that receives impulses volunteers of the cranianos nerves for where if they create audible sounds and meanings, that is, words. Thus, in its production the movements can be complex and changeable, if modifying in accordance with the phonetic context, with emotional load or the formality or informality of the situation, becoming the joint in some situations acurada and more intelligible. In it speaks, the voice is the sonorous emission produced by the larynx, generating sounds and the words, placing in practical the codification and decoding, necessary for the exchange of messages between the human beings. Therefore, the language demands the development of four systems that if relate and keep dependence, that is the pragmatic one, the fonolgico, semantic and the grammatical one (PEN-CASANOVA, 1999).