The project ‘ ‘ Who am I? ‘ ‘ he was developed with children of two the five years of age that are taken care of by the day-care center of the Humanitarian Foundation Eurpedes Barsanulfo. The period of training had beginning in day twenty and four of October of 2011 and finished in day twenty and five of November of 2011.
The day-care center of the Humanitarian Foundation Eurpedes Barsanulfo was chosen for the implantation of the project ‘ ‘ Who am I? ‘ ‘ because it takes care of to the deriving children of low income families. The project was important because it complemented, diversified and dinamizou the process of teach-learning of the children. To develop the project ‘ ‘ Who am I? ‘ ‘ he valued each child and its history of life. The foundation is a credibility institution, very organized well and managed. It is not only one house that receives children.