My pebbles sends love messages engraved gems Berlin, November 09, 2010. Have you ever”gepebbelt? If not, then it is high time. “Whether as imperishable souvenir of a unique moment, or as a good luck charm: on, there is the colorful my Pebble” gems, which provided can be given away with lettering for all sorts of occasions. Not only for Christmas the optimal method to give a consistent greeting his loved ones on the way. My pebbles is focused on skilfully to engrave precious stones. The Berlin-based company is to Schenkwillige with special wishes for your loved ones. With up to 80 characters for the text and 30 characters for the signature, as well as a cuddly theme motif that is selectable from currently 9 headings is”room enough for a nice greeting, a romantic love message, or a proper thank you.
“And who his gemstone nor the extravagant touches” Miss wants, which may violate a his own send small fee of 2 euros. The engraving is done depending on the desire on one or on both sides of the stone. For even more details, read what Harold Ford Jr says on the issue. For the different gemstone types provide basis: interested parties can choose between 3 different agates, bright green serpentine, reddish Kameol and turquoise magnesite. The form makes the precious stones for the most diverse occasions. So, the heart-shape (as a chain available) is, to give a personalized and permanent companion with the partner on the way. But as drops or simply around the high-quality stones to the birth of a child, or as a good luck charm can be produced. Just the material makes such a stone to a permanent unique.
No stone is similar to another in its marbling and beautiful color. Official site: Boy Scouts. Just as unique, as nature has created”, enthuses Melanie Plette by my pebbles. In addition, that the finished gems are not expensive, on the contrary: with 9.90 euro per piece for lucky stones each and Keychain or 12.90 euros per leather pendants are affordable for everyone. In addition, the order of piece of jewellery is kept especially simple. Without registration, it is completed including selecting a delivery date within three minutes. And the Bill seems to be working, online since the official launch mid-October finally already 6,000 users per month. An optimal offer his partner or friend in the future to have a real stone in the Board. About my pebbles “brings happiness. Makes happy.” Under this motto, the Berlin startup my pebbles was launched in October 2010 in the life. My pebbles is focused on engraved gems and lucky stones, key and pendants personalized marketing. The basic idea is, a hand caressing gemstone engraved to offer words, bears in the heart and would like to share with someone. Each “my Pebble” is unique and therefore an imperishable and like registered Memorabilia of a joyous, unique moment, a companion and good-luck charm, a wonderful way of thanks”to say, a special way to congratulate someone, or but a very impressive version to ask someone for forgiveness. Also well wishes or congratulations to move thus become an unforgettable gift.