When you hear someone say that the mailing is dead, do not pay case. We are sure that this is someone who has not ever used it or that has not been used properly. The mailing is a classic and his electronic version (e-mailing) one of the great revolutions of recent times in the world of marketing. If you know how to use them, they give you so much joy that little mind you can tell others. Anyway, when you put hands to work with either of these two alternatives, make sure that you are considering all the critical elements that can make your campaign a bomb or the absolute failure. It is not infused science, but yes it is worth reviewing the basics of these elements.
Let’s take a look: 1.-La list. Without a doubt, it is the most important of any campaign of mailing or e-mailing aspect you want to perform. The quality of the results you get will depend on the quality of lists with which you work. There are lists of all kinds, but not all give the same results. Simpler classification that can be is to differentiate lists between their own and others: a.-own lists are lists of addresses of people with whom you have had contact and who have given you permission to send them correspondence.