The Ferrari, the Lamborghini. I always wondered why do not touch you the same genre to the Porsches. The Porsche must have some instrument between the wheels that becomes it male. The feminine article in front of the car brand comes from other poorly used Word, the Coupe, which distinguishes two-door cars. The gallicism, Coupe, of Coupe, coined to describe the car that seemed to cut in half, is male. It says Coupe. In the highest circles of the pretentious coarseness, the fatuos used the word shampain.
There is a similar, champagne or champagne, in Spanish, refers to the same product, but the snob says shampain, which is neither English nor French, and does not correspond to any known or legal language. Champagne in French is pronounced shampane; English shampein. Everytime the snobs opening their mouths, he flourishes his ignorance, but they believe that they do so well and up to look with disdain whom he does not speak like them. Snobbery could not miss in the policy. BSA does not necessarily agree. The majority of the snobs are qualified left-wing or not is ideologically defined because they do not understand, but that Yes, they are politically correct. They recite what they consider that it sounds good, lack of principles and accommodate current in vogue.
They simultaneously support the Muslims and gay marriages. They defend the human rights of terrorists but never from their victims. They cry out for the dispossessed, from Mercedes Benz. They talk about democracy but they sustain socialism. They glorify murderers as Che Guevara because it was good waiter. Their existence is a vacuum filled with artificial postures that last them until death. They are currutaby because they cannot justify their extravagant lives with his much-publicized social solidarity. They are eligible for sensitive towards one’s neighbour but they are incapable of giving charity, they prefer that the State do it. Enrichment is for its own benefit but social aid must timar pockets of everyone. Avoid the debate, they are self-conscious, and resort to insult and the intimidation when discovered they feel. They are the Socialists of Bulgari, Hummer, Louis Vuitton. Currently they swarm in Venezuela luxury sites, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, unless they are shopping in Miami. original author and source of the article.