RENEXPO 11 times in Augsburg takes place from 7 to 10 October 2010 the RENEXPO, Bavaria’s country energy fair, takes place for the eleventh time in the exhibition centre of Augsburg. The RENEXPO is one of the most important trade fair for renewable energy and energy efficiency in construction and rehabilitation in Germany. Due to its unique variety of topics is the exhibition industry gathering no. 1 and offers a wide range of information, training, and contact information for customers and clients to the specialist. Strong networks in terms of craftsmen are partner of RENEXPO, including the Chamber of crafts of Swabia, who is the community climate protection our craft”organized, the Chamber of crafts for Munich and Upper Bavaria, the Federal Association of heat pump and the Federal Association of chimney sweeps craft. Whether the RENEXPO are combined heat and power, photovoltaic and solar thermal, heat pumps, storage technology, heating or heating with wood and pellets, whether passive house, timber construction and ecological building materials, ventilation or insulation Specialist craftsmen a comprehensive overview of current developments, products, innovations and services. Well-known companies such as Bosch Thermotechnik GmbH – Junkers Germany, Stiebel Eltron GmbH & co. KG, Vaillant Germany GmbH & co.
KG or Viessmann Germany GmbH, are longtime exhibitor at the RENEXPO. The focus of trade fair IHE HolzEnergie has established itself as the most important meeting place for the wood energy sector. Are market leaders, including Heizomat GmbH, HDG Bavaria GmbH, Herz Energietechnik GmbH, GUNTAMATIC Heiztechnik GmbH, KWB Germany GmbH, SHT Heiztechnik aus Salzburg GmbH, Viessmann Germany GmbH and WOOD-MIZER GmbH. The special fireplace, pellet & tile stoves”HolzEnergie again in 2010 becomes the highlight of the IHE. For the first time the free lecture series this year will heating with pellets the Pelletforum for the SHK trade”takes place in the RENEXPO. The seminar treated the promotion and certification of pellets and the combination of solar & pellets, shows practical examples and gives Overview of the market.