The festividades in our city Guarabira-PB, Christmas, New Year etc. had been all, and adentramos as Christian the Campaign of the Fraternity (2011), with a subject sufficiently divulged in all the media. The Campaign of the Fraternity and the Life in the Planet have as subject ' ' The creation moans in pains of parto' ' (RM 8,22). The magnitude what it deals with and it approaches the subject global heating climatic changes lode in good hour. The church through the National Conference of the Bishops of Brazil? CNBB, will sufficiently have activities and work in passing to the Christians the importance not to degrade. The cause of this climatic disequilibrium is argued by the researchers has decades, also in different chains. The skeptics and the scientists place the subject in holistic and careful way.
Some understand that the global heating is deriving of process of the proper nature and others affirm, that the planet this presenting heating, that has as origin to the great amounts of emissions of effect gases greenhouse that if they intensify from the moment of industrialization of many countries, is resultant of the antrpicas actions. But what it is the global heating? According to site (, the global heating is a climatic phenomenon of wide extension? increase of average temperature of the surface of the land that comes happening in last the 150 years. However, the meaning of this increase of temperature, still is object of many debates between the scientists, natural causes or antropognicas (provoked for the man), it has been proposals to explain the phenomenon. The IPPC (Intergovernamental Panel for the Climatic Changes established by United Nations and World-wide the Meteorological Organization in 1988). In its report, more recent it says that the majority of the heating is observed, during last the 50 years. If it very must probably to a effect increase greenhouse, having strong evidence, of that the majority of the heating, either had the activities human beings (including stop beyond the increase of the greenhouse gases, others alterations, as for example, had to a bigger use of underground waters and the ground for agriculture and industry, beyond, of a bigger energy consumption and pollution).