National Foundation

The extension of this initiative of investment in the education of the aboriginal peoples, stimulates the Inter conectividade between the villages and the diverse cultural expressions of world-wide character, saw use of technological resources? computers with Internet, television, radio – currently sufficiently used in the aboriginal communities. Although the Brazilian society of not-indians to believe that such insertions will exterminaro the aboriginal culture, surprising, during the field research, we verify that such practical assist the indians, as it argues the interviewed one: Many people believe that we (indians) do not have that communicating in them with other villages, we do not need to learn the national language and nor to use the Internet. We absorb the changes the one that we are taxes carrying through reverse speed-significaes (new significaes). We will never leave our culture, our tradition. But we have that to be intent to all the alternatives that in them will make strong more as organization politics and as also etnia, since, although to be the first ones, still we are discriminated … We have that to fight in this forest that vocs (not-indians) also fights. To look job, to gain money, these things. (Maria of the Favours, 2009). In this perspective, in intention to retract the actions proceeding from the current conjuncture of legislative invisibilidade that as many negative impacts in the positivao process and efetivao of rights have established, the aboriginal communities support themselves, basically of the directed organization the representation politics, as it evokes the news article of the Been Periodical of So Paulo, published in day 05 of October of 2009: Divided in 220 etnias, speaking 180 languages, the Brazilian indians are if organizing to increase the representation politics in the 2010 elections..