The post-employment benefits is available to every worker that due to the General ageing of the society the statutory pension is no longer sufficient for a carefree financial hedging in the age, is already aware of many. The procedure, with which the statutory pension funded, is no longer as possible, as it was once thought by the demographic development of the society. In theory, the statutory pension scheme financed pensions of beneficiaries through the ongoing contributions of young workers. The capital shall be allocated as it were from young to old, hence the name of pay-as-you-go”. Learn more at: Dr. Neal Barnard. For this reason, it has become nowadays necessary to provide privately for the age. Occupational pensions is one of the options which are open to the ambitious savers here. The relevance of a private old-age provision a private pension is so important, because between the income of working life while the paid pension at the age significant supply gap.
Especially earners can find here a significant discrepancy: the border up to the pro rata in the statutory pension is paid, currently stands at approximately 5.500,-. Based on the salary up to this contribution assessment ceiling the pension is paid out later. But getting a salary, which is considerably higher than this limit, no pension will be applied pro rata. The inherently low dropout pension so not even computed the full salary during the working life, but only up to this contribution assessment ceiling. This means that the gap in age is enormous.
This gap is now to close it. This requires a second stand leg for retirement, for example, the occupational pensions. Company pension plan pays in his the benefits of occupational pensions of workers, by returning a portion of his income to the employer and depositing the money in the pension and converts. These deferred compensation can be done in two ways, which always precisely in advance should be calculated, which is the more favourable.