Outdoor Advertising

Modern man does not imagine his life without advertising, and even more so – a resident of this city, like St. Petersburg. Advertising surrounds citizens everywhere – radio announcements, tv commercials, and most common outdoor advertising. Outdoor advertising can now even be considered a kind of ornament for the mega-cities, not just a normal part of our lives. The most common types of outdoor advertising in St. Petersburg are light boxes, illuminated signs, neon signs, firewalls, banners, sidewalk signs. Ordinary people, most of these terms of nothing reported. In fact, there is widespread network of specialized companies, which designs, design and creation of various types of outdoor advertising.

This is the most spectacular and brilliant version of the advertisement, he may have a size from very tiny to quite large. External design advertising structures, the legality of their spatial location and many other aspects that are important to observe the defined set of rules that are created by professionals from the city Department of Architecture. Special agency of the city on the Neva River can provide a sufficient range of services in creating and conducting advertising campaigns of various sizes, ranging from the placement of small stritlaytov complete manufacture of complex three-dimensional letters in Petersburg. The undoubted fact is the assertion that such advertising – one of the most effective methods of advertising. You can be sure that the ads will find the target audience, as the posters every day sees a lot of people, they are used in all seasons, whatever the weather. Some – more original – attracted worldwide attention, and some, without being something special, nevertheless remembered for a long time. Correct the geographical location of such ads – another important aspect of advertising company. Recognize that advertising banking services will become more relevant in the central part of the city, advertising upholstery Russian firms – in sleeping areas and main boards, calling to buy different models of lawn mowers – on the way to the cottage.

If you're puzzled by the creation of corporate identity, logo design, or information booths, please contact professionals. They will develop a design of various banners, help in the manufacture of large illuminated letters, light boxes and much more. Any sign – a way to provide benefits to any organization and make of it necessary information. Qualitatively, produced a sign of your organization can help produce favorable impression on potential customers. Your attention will be given different types of signage for the exterior ads – simple non-illuminated, bright lights, big letters, original signs with lighting, spectacular light boxes, neon signs and light boxes and stylish – it all depends on certain requirements.