In history there have been many diseases and problems that have affected the health of people in different stages of life and focusing on the disease in certain parts of the body, therefore many societies have dedicated their efforts in the study of certain specific issues about health and medicine to meet the needs that arise in the presence of diseasespain or abnormalities in the normal development of certain aspects of the health of some people; which specific knowledge in medicine that facilitate the treatment of some points of attention could be generated. A clear example of what is stated in the previous paragraph is Pediatrics, one of the many branches of medicine that was developed with a point of expertise in order to meet certain field of health as it is all related to the diseases of children, as well as the study and application of knowledge that bring about adequate growth of infants. Special attention to a group could be provided as well with the development of this branch of so vulnerable people such as children. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as PCRM by clicking through. Before a topic of such importance it is convenient to enter a little more in-depth about the Pediatrics, in such a way this specialty that arose in the 20th century, I focus their field of study in the various characteristics that must have a child in their normal development, with the idea that by presenting something different to normal operation could classify the problem in specific and able to meet fully the presence of the anomaly and have established procedures necessary to deliver an optimal care of children. Pediatrics requires its practitioners the ability to detect the presence of congenital diseases, i.e. those that are present in children from the stage of birth because of hereditary factors to treat them as soon as possible and avoid the most minimal consequences. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Steffan Lehnhoff, New York City and gain more knowledge..
Among the various congenital diseases some of those more dealt with in Pediatrics are heart disease, phenylketonuria, hypothyroidism. Another point of attention than required in the practice of Pediatrics are infectious diseases, which are that most occur in the Group of children, but more than strangers on the environment factors, presented by carelessness of the parents, since such diseases can be avoided by using a simple immunization – vaccination-who can be perfectly applied by an expert in Pediatrics. Otitis media, mumps, measles, whooping cough, polio, among others can be found in infectious diseases. In the Pediatrics also gives great attention to the development of children as regards intellectual and psychomotor parameters, points where aspects are addressed as adequate nutrition, exposure to some elements of the environment harm them that cause poisoning or cases of hyperactivity. In the Pediatrics also pays attention to cases of abnormalities that occur from childhood and which can extend throughout life as allergies, immunodeficiency, etc.