Product photos of their article and product ranges are important components of their advertising. Therefore the term ammunition is not so wrong, if once is taken into account, what also should do their commercials, presentations, and catalog offers. Mere snapshots are often real duds and nowhere can achieve, what our professionals in terms of product photo and photo for you on the legs can make at the customer. Our five professional photographers as well as their assistants, are first-class weapons suppliers”for marketing-oriented entrepreneurs, traders and managers. Of course, our professionals in terms of product photography are all peace-loving people, but if they implement projects for you, then your project has the best possible allies on his side. The product photos must represent your product in optimum angles and be perfectly lit, the perspective must agree and comply do the composition of the product photos in addition to the brilliance of the color itself the highest standards in full. On a total over 500 m Studio space we edit also contracts with larger volume simultaneously or synchronously efficiently according to your parameters off.
Also logistically we have prepared and 250 m warehouse space at their disposal in the House available. Most modern technologies of digital high-performance photography from Nikon, phase one and Sinar are waiting to help their products meet any measure and ensure high quality all infected targets or exceed product photos. Trust the tried and tested quality, the knowledge and the expertise of our crew with many years of experience in product photography. Real expertise is to be replaced by anything, and in the sectors of food photography, fashion photography, and the professional photography for catalogues, is like a proper and competent partner at your side. Gladly we advise you on their projects and help also in peripheral areas, such as for example the decoration of their article or the placement of suitable models and mannequins from. Our partner Studio recommended explicitly, especially for fashion productions.