Ps. Fernando Alexis Jimnez The letter arrived with the forcefulness of a star that crosses fleeting the sky in one night dark. He came from Guatemala and in her, the correspondent expressed the enormous disappointment to me assaulted that it. " I saw a television program. The preacher said that if gave one hundred dollars, God would multiply seedtime to me. I gave the money but he did not pass anything.
Now I have the debt. Not that the God ours is a God of riquezas". A message more of many than arrives, of people who feel deceived in their faith. And memory to Hugo, a shepherd friend. We went to listen to a preacher of the prosperity in the Stage of Cali.
An ardent message, but by no part mentioned Jesus Christ. In the end it ended up challenging us all to give what we had in the pockets. When finishing the event, I invited to consiervo so that we went to take the bus. " No, I remain " , it responded. " Why? " , I interrogated but it insisted that it remained. I had worried and hour and a half later I called to its house. It finished arriving. It gave everything, until the money of passage in group. And it remembered to me pesaroso: " You remember the lecturer? It said that if we gave everything what we had in the pocket, God would provide and I had to return caminando" to me; It has happened to him sometimes? Tens of people have fallen in the same situation. They have invested the order of the things. Mr. Jesus taught: " Because the gentile ones look for all these things; but your celestial Father knows that you have necessity of all these things. But you firstly look for the kingdom of God and its justice, and all these things will be added to you. So, you do not strive by at some future date, because at some future date it will bring his eagerness. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. " (Mateo 6:32 – 34) What I teach the Teacher to us? At least three things that I invite to him to consider from this passage: 1. – Who take care of the provision, before to look for God, they are the gentile ones, in other words, that only thinks about the material. 2. – That we have invested the order of the things. God commanded to look for the first kingdom to us of God and its justice and then, said, the other things like addition would come, and today many look for first " aadiduras" and they leave the kingdom of God last. 3. – We must look for God and to leave God takes care of our needs. I invite to him so that it reviews its life. Perhaps it has invested its precedence? What worries to him more: God or the money? The answer is hers and nothing else that hers. I hope that in future, God makes right decisions will orient its life and will know to move in the appropriate direction Fernando Alexis Jimnez – Contact (057) 317-4913705 Email: Original author and source of the article.