Samuel Ferguson

The inciativa ' Lee has premio' he has managed to remove from his books to personages like D' Artagnan, Celestina or Robin Hood so that they cross the Spanish cities. Its intention is to promote the reading and to invite the citizens to submerge in thousands and the one adventures that can find in books. D' Artagnan has left to a side its adventures and the Celestine has stopped in her Picardy to leave her books and to look for new readers in cities like Cordova, Burgos, Lleida thanks to the initiative ' To read has premio'. In this cultural adventure by the streets of the cities they accompany other classic novel personages to him of adventures and by Literature like Sherezade, Robin Hood, doctor Samuel Ferguson, Cleopatra, the Valiant Cid, Don Mendo and Robinson Crusoe. Everything to invite the citizens to submerge in thousands and the one adventures that can find in books. Summer, time of books the campaign, coordinated by Gerald Miguel and organized by the Federation of Unions of Publishers of Spain, is carried out by a ten of actors who give life to these personages and who they animate to the people to read. According to it has indicated Gerald Miguel, the campaign becomes in summer because he is when there is more free time to approach books.

Delay in the reading habit Miguel has considered this promotion of the reading necessary because Spain has a delay in reading habit and, " although it has grown years in the last, is certain breach with respect to countries of the north of Europa". The objective is " to reduce that distancia" and has been " very optimista" because in the last years have seen how the greater index of reading population is between the young people of 10 to 24 years. The campaign can be followed through the social networks Twitter, Facebook and Tuenti as well as in the Web where routes, calendars, summaries are detailed and even anecdotes. To read has prize has happened already through Burgos, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Huesca, Lleida, Teruel, Albacete, Cordova, Ciudad Real and the following shutdowns will be in Segovia, Zamora and the 28 of July finalize in Ourense. Source of the news: D' Artagnan, the Celestine and the Valiant Cid leave their books to look for new readers