I think about an including shelter, with which we can demonstrate to love and interest for the life of the patient and the will to brighten up its pain, assisting it to become it its calmer death and with little suffering in the cases of patient terminals. The objective of this work is to prove how much the religion can influence of beneficial or maleficent form in the treatment of patient terminals, verifying the possibilities of that the same one can or not to help in the relief of the suffering of the terminal customer and to show the necessity of the attention to the espiritualidade with the terminal patient. 2 ESTIMATED 2,1 THEORETICIANS the History of the Espiritualidade in the Care with Patient Even so the indication of the necessities spirituals of a patient as part of a medical treatment is seen as something today new and different, this practical is in the very old truth. But inside of the last hundreds of years the medicine and the religion had followed different ways and the doctors had started to ignore these subjects. For all the history of the humanity, religion and medicine had walked together. During good part of the time, the Christian church controlled the universities where the medical training was done and directed the license so that the doctors exerted the medicine. (KOENIG, 1997, P. 11).
Still more strong of what the connection between medicine and religion is the historical linking between religion and nursing. The craft of the nursing came directly of the church, with the Sisters of Charity of Is Vicente de Paula starting to organize nuns catholics to serve as many religious and not-religious hospitals in 1617 (KOENIG, 1997, P. 11). Each time more science if curve ahead of the largeness and the importance of the espiritualidade in the dimension of the human being.