Swaan Solutions

The growth of the interdependence human being brought the extension and the intensification of the external effect of the action, or the proper existence, one, poor ones, on others, rich. The transistion for an urban and industrial society, that evidences the problems of the mutual dependence, meant the abandonment in such a way gradual, due to its impossibility, of individual solutions as to run away from the contact with the dismissed ones and/or to leave them it the flavor of the luck or the market, how much, due to its inefficacy front to the size of the problem, of voluntary solutions as the filantrpicas organizations, of charity and aid-loan. The well-being politics contemporaries, as the proper State produces that them, they would be resulted historical not anticipated of the efforts of the elites, and the conflicts the intra-elites, to explore, to manage, to control and to attenuate the increasing effect external of the destitution, ahead of the increasing failure of the individual solutions and the precariousness of the voluntary solutions. In this process we have gnese of the call social, basic conscience in the formation of a collective and national identity, defined as ' ' conscience of the intensive and extensive growth of the interdependence bows, together with the disposal to contribute with the remedies for the adversities and deficiencies that affect outros' ' (Of Swaan, they idem: 10). This sense of responsibility, that did not eliminate the filantrpica action, requires each time well-taken care of state and resources that will be extracted compulsively of the society and will benefit to all, contributing or not. The State if constituted as legitimate organization, due to formation of this social conscience, and capable, had to its specific characteristics, to regulate the effect negative of the social interdependences, that, throughout the time, tend to be reduced the solutions legal and administrative under the responsibility of a bureaucracy.