Useful Ideas

What is reverberation? Each time the sound reaches a surface, is born a new reflection, which begins its “journey” on the premises. Soon after this reflection comes to the other surface, forming a new reflection. Thus, the entire room is filled with sound volnami.Prostoy priimer: never bring it up to the application of sound-absorbing materials that sound travels through the air with a relatively high speed (343 m / sec, or 1,235 km / h at standard atmospheric conditions), and the room in which we live, have dimensions of several meters, it is easy to guess how many reflections of sound appears in the room for only a few hundredths seconds (imagine that sound travels a distance of 4 m for 11.6 ms). The sum of all these reflected sounds is called reverberation.

This phenomenon is easily observed, clapping her hands in an empty room, the reverb – the response of the room, sounding immediately after the most cotton. Curiously sound different premises: the most interesting for such experiments will be hallways, stairways, galleries, but sometimes even a simple living room may surprise you. For example, you might notice that the furniture is also influencing the character of the room: the different pieces of furniture are always treated in the projects of the acoustic correction, whose main goal – to take a reverberation control. Good or completely cover all surfaces of the room with sound-absorbing materials? Many believe that only through conventional sound-absorbing material (usually polyurethane or melamine foam rubber, as well as classical trays for eggs) can make the room sound horosho.K Unfortunately, it is not: all these materials work only at medium and high frequencies (500 Hz and above), but practically ineffective at low (From “fa” first octave down the piano keyboard)..