National Transport

The national transport in Spain counts at the moment on more than 1600 registered companies, distributed in 33 services, as they are international transport, national transport, taxis, nourishing transport, transport by highway the directory of companies of transports realised a study of the 2010 and registered activity in the vestibule, where data were extracted that allow to know the situation better the sector of the transport in Spain. The transport service more demanded by the users was national transport. This service already it had been during the 2009. The requests towards companies of international transport were second in amount, and thirdly marine transport. By number of received requests, they were the companies of Tenerife those that received more requests, with an average of 23 requests of transport. According to data of the 2008 in Spain there are more than 566,937 vehicles authorized for the transport of merchandise by highway. These vehicles of transport have a lifting capacity of 6.963.094 tons. The community independent with more vehicles authorized it is Catalonia that has 80.194. The vestibule counts on a section of supplies of transport, on discounts in shipments, mails, transports in taxi and any promotion that the companies wish to offer. In addition, the equipment of contents of periodically publishes articles of interest of transports.