A Muscovite who has planned this year a trip to Nicaragua can do it in several ways. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Center For Responsible Lending. The worst thing is that there are no direct flights from Moscow to the city of Managua, the capital of Nicaragua. So to get to Managua a traveller has to choose one of several routes that make you change aircraft at least twice. Behold these routes: Moscow-Frankfurt-Caracas-Panama-Managua Moscu-amsterdam – Panama-Managua Moscow-Paris-Caracas-Panama-Managua Moscu-madrid – San-Jose-Managua these routes are offered by several airlines. The first is performed by two companies: the flight from Moscow to Caracas is offered by Lufthansa company, at the same time, the flight from Caracas to Managua is offered by Copa Airlines. What is the best? What are referring to routes? 2 and? 4 these are the cheapest, since they come out approximately US $ 2300 in high season.
The best thing is that these routes do not require visas. In addition, there is a route to laughter in comparison with the previous price, or Moscu-madrid – Miami-Nicaragua. This comes to cost approx. $1700. The worst is that which take this route to get to Nicaragua need a U.S. visa, by what this special offer fails to attract many customers. Which of the two offers is favorable, Ud decide same.
This year I did the trip to Nicaragua and then took the route number 4. As I speak the Spanish but yes, do not speak English, for me the of number 4 is the best, since an aircraft made stopovers on the Spanish-speaking Paice and then, I have not had any problems. In addition, I was traveling with company Iberia, which is in Spain, by which the stewardesses were Spanish speakers. The pros of this route:-does not require a visa – stay in transit area does not exceed 12 hours – best price cons:-a traveller coming back to Moscow is with having to wait in the transit zone of the airport Barajas (in T4S) 12 hours unless you can exit to the city – this route does not enjoy much demand, so it is offered infrequently. Original author and source of the article.