Complete benchmarking analysis for physicians in bookstores available exceptionally successful owner of the practice’s recipe for success is, that they regularly examine the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of their work and then align their practice companies. “The workbook ErfolgsCheck doctor’s Office” offers the ability to perform such practice optimization analysis simply and cost-effectively without pre-location consultant. Practice owners recognize their hitherto unused chances of success with the help of a double benchmarking: from the qualitative comparison of operating your practice management with their professional group practices, as well as from the comparison of practice working with the realities of successful surgeries (best-practice benchmarking). The implementation of the ErfolgsChecks practice allows doctors to match its practice range and the conditions required for his performance with the market requirements and appropriate Optimization steps to derive, the incrustation”by “Structures, processes and thinking and behaviors specifically to counter and the emergence of operating blindness” and resting on laurels “to prevent. The advantage of this is simple: the publication available in the book trade contains all documents necessary for carrying out a benchmarking analysis in the form of questionnaires for practice owners, employees and patients. The completed documents sent, there will be settled at the Institute and created a comprehensive benchmarking report. Analysis and report generation costs are already included in the purchase price.
Thill, Klaus-Dieter: The ErfolgsCheck practice the practice tuning analysis with expert groups operating comparison and best practice benchmarking BOD-Verlag, Norderstedt 2008 ISBN 978-3-8370-7229-7, 50,–contact Institute of business analysis, consulting and strategizing (IFABS) Dipl. kfm. Klaus-Dieter Thill of Homberg str. 18 40474 Dusseldorf E-Mail: Internet: