Bank Lehman Brothers

The reliable crisis of 2008 started with the Lehman in addition Brothers, 3 bigger bank of investment of the market to the time, generating a crisis without precedents in global the financial market. As the stock market lives basically reliable, this event shook the foundations of the economy and its real side. The investor applies its resources in financial assets to get or to demand one definitive tax of return. This tax of return is formed by the one for two parts: ) the one, the return tax without risk of danger; (for example, the return of the headings of the American Government) and b) another one, the prize of risk for being applying in that it can mean the medium and long run the risk of if having some damage. When the Bank Lehman Brothers broke, the investors had asked: ) Who will be the next one? b) Which the implications on the real side of the economy? Thus, the risk or the possibility of the investors to have damages had made with that they demanded a bigger prize of risk, having deducted the value of the prices of the assets. To only give an example, definitive that price of a financial asset (for example, a heading of debt of a company) it was R$ 100 before the crisis and that this asset would be rescued by 110 R$ daqui one year.

The investors would be satisfied with a 10% return a.a on paper or R$ 10. But, if of another side, the investors demanded 15% a.a of return, or a prize of 5 percentile points, the debt would have that to cost R$ 95,65 today, that is, to have liquidity the detainer of the debt would have that to lose R$ 5.35. Other leaders such as Center for Responsible Business offer similar insights. That is, to the 15% tax, the investors would get on R$ 95,65 same R$ 100 of the value of original face to this tax increased for the risk prize (15% x 95,65= R$ 100), that is, a depreciation of R$ 5,35 on the value of face.

Special Pupil

The contradiction in the vision of Marx is the moment where the capitalism will not surpass more, the contradictions that he himself created then, will be surpassed by a new model. Destarte, to wait the overcoming of the capitalism for its proper contradiction, will be able to take much time as proper Marx would say. For this cause it is that it places the most efficient and faster revolutionary method as to arrive itself at the socialism. But for such spread, she is necessary that if it has a revolutionary mass prepared to face all the fights that will be preceded to the taking of being able. Therefore it is that Marx places the preparation or formation of pictures as basic factor of organization of a revolutionary process. At the current moment, where the call bourgeois democracy prevails on a great contingent of nations, the taking of being able through participativa democracy as the one that comes happening in Venezuela, Bolivia, Equator and initiating in Paraguay, where leading of leftist profile has fond of the power through the call bourgeois democracy and later if they use of the participativa democracy to inside make the changes of the constitutional legality without wounding of certain form, its constitutions, is a good example of changes of mentality of peoples that has very, are submitted booties colonies of the empires capitalists, is a good example for Brazil here. Obviously that when we choose president Lula here in Brazil, she was this our expectation.

Destarte, with the routes taken for president Lula and its PT, created an emptiness in the true Brazilian left that, if felt of certain form, trada for the PT and excessively the said parties of left. The positive fact of this was to the creation of PSOL as broken of vanguard of the participativas democratic changes that necessary Brazil with all its people. However, we have a long way to cover, therefore, does not construct a party of vanguard of changes in a short space of time, mainly with the social institutions coed-opt by the current government as Unions, ONGs, Social Sectors of the Church, Associations and Movements, all coed-opt through distributions of positions and other antagonisms of cooptao. In my humble agreement, she is necessary that the comrades of the PSOL search, exactly with all the difficulties found in the initial phase of construction of a vanguard party, to occupy all the possible spaces of quarrel politics and exchanges of ideas, on the inside to make the dispute of the organizations public how much in such a way private of a new centered ideological model in concrete changes of mentality and diffusion of them. He is necessary that if it makes you criticize consistent the current government, also demonstrating Professor, Graduated Filosofia (UCSAL/2000), Specialist in Educao (UNEB/2003), Special Pupil of the Mestrado in Public Politics (UNEB).>


RECYCLING DOLAF continues with its policy development and awareness, extending their previous promotional offers and enhancing them with an attractive additional gift: a practical mini-destructora of documents. The only requirement necessary to achieve without commitment this gift, is participating in a short survey of five multiple choice questions and exercise any professional or business activity in the sphere of the community of Madrid. How to access this survey and request without commitment this interesting paper shredder, is entering in the website of the company:. We know that most of the companies that have not yet implemented an effective system of destruction of residual documentation, unaware of the existence of technical and commercial options offered by the market says Francisco Donoso, Director-General of RECYCLABLES DOLAF. With the launch of this new promotional campaign, the company aims to reach more than 25,000 professionals or companies, so that they experience the tranquility that generates the fact of view between your fingers, the residual documentation duly destroyed, before disposing of it.

Parallel to this campaign, recycles DOLAF has extended its ecological security promotion, consisting in the provision of massive destruction of documentation services residual, in particularly advantageous economic conditions: free of charge when material is deposited by the customer recycles Dolaf in Madrid (C /, September, 1) installations, or for the reasonable price of 175, including collection and transport to an unlimited amount. Since the start of this promotion, more than 1,000 companies or self-employed have benefited from it, which has resulted in a volume of more than 5,000 tons of confidential documentation useless, destroyed in high security conditions. In recycling Dolaf, the processes of evacuation and destruction of documents follow a strict security protocol, certified in accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards, being also the holder of the documentation, authorized to witness such destruction in the facilities of the company, without prior notice. The recycling of the material paper – once crushed, is marketed as a raw material for the manufacture of new paper, allowing the company to provide these services in economic conditions highly advantageous and fully respectful with the environment. You can report at: for more information: recycling Dolaf, S.L. Tel.: + 34 917474765 E-mail: Web: about recycling Dolaf recycles DOLAF, is a company dedicated to the recovery of paper and CARDBOARD for recycling since 1982, supplementing this activity with other related services, always guaranteeing the maximum quality and ensuring an actively by the respect for the environment. Noteworthy for its importance among these complementary services destruction of confidential documentation. The development of these tasks, recycles DOLAF participate in human resources with extensive training and experience, we also have the most advanced technical means, achieving greater efficiency in their duties. In recycling DOLAF, design plans individualized waste management, giving priority to recycling from other routes of elimination and optimizing their economic possibilities. Do not hesitate to contact us for further information or request our services anywhere in Spain, or consult our possibilities of supply of paper recovered anywhere in the world.