BRAINLOOP AG informed about data security IN companies Munich, June 21, 2011 recently, the security company RSA admitted a partially successful hacker attack on its servers. As was described in a post of the computer week of the 14.06.2011, the impact of hacker attacks are more serious than previously thought and reveal the weakness of token systems for dial-in protected areas of IT. This topic may be of little significance for private users, but represents a serious security risk for businesses and public institutions that must ensure data security and privacy. Often local authentication techniques are needed for protection from the document, which go beyond a simple password and deny unauthorized persons access to confidential information and documents. The use of token guarantees no optimal data security.
So called one-time passwords (OTP one time password =) during token already exist before login, you can login and OTP gephisht”. In this way, they endanger the safe access to confidential documents and fail to protect them effectively. Against the use of token technology now in the years, the complex and expensive management speaks of hardware tokens. These must be registered on the authentication server, and mapped to the respective users. Not rarely the tokens are lost and then to represent to logoff automatically a vulnerability or they are, as in the current case, hacked and need to be replaced. This solution in terms of data security and document protection is complicated and very expensive. SMS-based authentication solutions are comparatively safe, slim in the management and therefore inexpensive. They create a high level of data security in the enterprise and are superior to the common token solutions thus.
Markus Seyfried, CTO Brainloop AG, explains the own solution for data backup in the enterprise: we provide secure access to mission-critical information a so-called two-factor authentication on. This multi-stage login procedures combined short-lived SMS PIN, generated in the real time process using a user name and a password with one and is sent to the mobile phone of the user. There it only applies in a session and expires after a certain time.” Because mobile phones are for the reachability of users of great importance, their loss is quickly. A blocking of the SIM card by the user is the logical consequence. Thus, this device represents a highly flexible and secure infrastructure that helps to ensure document security and also for the protection of personal data. Overview of solutions of Brainloop AG in the area of data security, document security, protection of application documents and compliance, see also: products/sicherheit.html about Brainloop AG which Brainloop AG with its headquarters in Munich and Boston is the leading provider of document compliance management (DCM) solutions for highly secure dealing with confidential documents. The solutions enable complete traceability of all accesses and changes of the document and thus complying with all compliance requirements. Brainloop AG’s customers such as Deutsche Post, Deutsche Telekom, Deutsche Bundesbank include ESA (European Space Agency), Landesbank Berlin, Postbank AG, sky, T-systems and ThyssenKrupp and leading law firms and investment banks, which use the Brainloop data space as an online service, ERGO. The Brainloop AG DCM solutions are web-based. This allows the editing and distribution strictly confidential documents across corporate boundaries. Through a highly secure encryption and a screening of all documents from unauthorized internal and external attacker moves the collaboration in a highly secure environment. More compliance requirements are met by full traceability and logging of all accesses and actions. Applied solutions and others in the body communication, human resources departments and the financial and Contract management.