2. The fish is a direct reference to food, not to mention also that it is a kind of graphic of two of the wonders or miracles review more significant Jesus, great value propaganda: on the one hand, was unveiled his first apostles while they fished: had failed to catch anything and he told them where launch their networks, took them full of fish at every opportunity, in that way these early Apostles knew as true identity or special character of Christ, and on the other hand the known miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes an allegory if same therefore through Christ is feeding a hungry crowd obviously not only physical food, but spiritual food (because not only bread man lives) 3. The fish, even in so simple and schematic representation is a live animal, is part of God’s creation, is the first by the created beings according to genesis, a demonstration of his power to anyone, just like love. Speaking candidly CDF told us the story. The cross, in short, is a symbol alien to the doctrine of Jesus, regardless of his true nature as being historically real, never refers to it or the linked in some way to his teachings, never it mentioned in any of his sermons or central element in any of his parables, is the essence of his teachings is centered on concepts of peace, justice, solidarity, charity and compassion expressed as extensions of the central, fundamental element, which is love. The use of the cross as a symbol of faith is back in many years to the death of Jesus and your choice is deliberate and manipulative as it is more an ominous reminder of a tragedy than a happy symbol of hope, is the resultant of the diametrically opposite of the teachings of Christ as the end result of love as a daily exercise can not be death but the creation of lifea manifestation of the power of God through us; the road to salvation is not death or torture represented by the instrument of execution but is represented by absolute, pure and simple love that offers us an exceptional man, who did not need so many compassion, solidarity and disinterested delivery hierarchy or dogma or material power to transmit us your simple but crucial message. Load your cross of Paul, I’ll stick with the fish of Christ original author and source of the article.