The beginning of the countersignature never it was a tool to crack the Moroccan diplomat has said in this direction that the beginning of the countersignature or of the self-determination never was, nor in its conception, nor in its application, a tool to crack the territorial integrity of the States, nor an excuse to deprive the States of its parts of the territory, apoinado the unit as the language, the religion, the traditions and the culture bases of a nation, treating to the case of sara Moroccan that it respects all these ingredients. Remembering that these criteria are the same ones that they can, nominated, to be fortified for the set of the countries of the North of Africa object of the national and territorial unit, where Algeria acts as the domination interests harming the course of the negotiations of peace. Invoking, in this context, the resolution of 1960, that it appeals to the national unit and territorial integrity the countries. Standing out that resolution 1541, and after 2625 of had United Nations disclosed the importance that if of the one for the liberty of speech and the democracy ahead of any people and face to any threatening power. Ahead of this, Mr. Loulichki detached that Morocco decide to involve in the consultation with the people of sara in relation the initiative of autonomy for the crown of the outcome of the negotiations. Morocco showed its will before its presentation of the project of autonomy next to the Advice of Security, in 2007, that it underlined its legitimacy and recognition the national and international level. The Advice of Security, in turn, considered that this initiative is credvel, praising the efforts engaged for Morocco in this direction, pointing out that this initiative helped to launch the negotiation process, in which the international community wait very to finish with this diferendo between the parts.
Tag: government and politics
Plenary Senator
We recently attend more a tragicmico spectacle inside of the Brazilian politics. Covered with star for the Senator of the PSDB-CE Tasso Jereissatti and the Leader of the PMDB, Senator Renam Calheiros, the spectacle approaches the subject of the reificao, that is, bourgeois afutilidade, the absolute power that the money exerts on the life and the character of pessoastransformando them in ' ' coisa' ' , exchange objects, pernicious characteristics, as well as elucidate Balzac in one of seusclssicos of ' ' The comedy humana' ' , Eugnie Grandet (1833). Certainly it was not a spectacle. What it was seen corresponds to a session in the Plenary assembly of the Senate where two elect politicians would have to discurtir important questions for the Brazilian society and on the contrary of this, the paid enjoyment of paid jatinhos for the Senate (citation made for Calheiros) and jatinhos for contractors digladiavam by means of accusations (cited for Jereissatti). With intention to defend itself of accusations made for Renan, Tasso externaliza of vocal form and repeats frequently the following phrase: ' ' The money is mine, is mine, is mine and I have pra to speak! ' '. From this, the points of view had been displayed by ways of adjectives as ' ' Coronel' ' ' ' Cangaceiro of third categoria' '. Therefore, it had the order of in addition the parliamentary honor, had the use of expression of low calo for Senator Renam Calheiros. (Similarly see: Nieman Lab). Scenes as this had left of to be unknown in seara Brazilian politics, however, where are situated the citizen when such facts occur? It will be that only the governing are the villains? Still we have men compromised to the Republic and the development of the country and that moreover, they demonstrate of clear and objective form repulses ahead it of these improper positions. Valley to stand out the proselitismo of Senador Cristovam Buarque (PDT-DF), when citing that: ' ' We cannot leave to ask for excuses, because we are here thanks to the votes of one hundred million people.
The world all has if terrified with so great triviality of human beings that seem not to have no rational feeling in its minds, situations these that they even though enclose since the cruelest facts the cases irreflexveis than are taken as ' ' normais' '. This is visible in cases as: murder of children in an infantile school of China for a butcher; Brazilian solicitor (that she would have to make to be valid the law in the country) is accused to torture girl of two years; child of 4 years who stopped to smoke after whitewashing. More incredible still one of the last ones was brought for the reporters in the world, the case of a indonsio boy of 2 years who smokes 40 cigarettes per day. While many try to get rid themselves of this vice, the father of this child judges to be normal this attitude who starts when the boy had only one year and eight months. Although the innumerable campaigns against the tobaccoism, the population continues ' ' cega' ' worse is that this blindness is for option. The fact is so common in Indonesia that 25% of the children of this country, with age between 3 and 15 years, already had proved of the tobacco and 3% are dependents of this drug. We are not specialists in the subject, but she is not necessary that either to perceive that the Planet does not walk well. In countries where laws appear that try to brighten up the consumption of the cigarette, the tobacco industry has obtained to brecar all the antitabagistas processes. thus I am asking itself: it will be that the money cannot buy everything? To the times I catch myself thinking about alarming situations, has rumors of that the pharmaceutical industry, to profit, creates new illnesses and if they use to advantage of common problems of health to raise the impact as if was a new epidemic, everything with intention to fortify this industry.
The names of entrevistadospara will not be cited to make jus to the ethics. Many writers such as Nieman Foundation offer more in-depth analysis. Since the Politics has been one of the ways through which he is ‘ ‘ possvel’ ‘ although to be part of the resume the speeches: without much newness, in the majority of the cases, they continued betting in the old technique of the empty promise; without nothing concrete where, as Tom, in this in case that, it were possible> who knows a daily pay-project at least What it is surprising is that in the way them ‘ ‘ grandes’ ‘ politicians met some, until very well intentioned, of good reputation; positive descriptions in the community where they live, that the legal elective proceedings had looked for to make an in agreement campaign: without purchase of votes, or making so commented mouth of ballot box in the day of the elections; which had obtained to conquer many adepts to its speeches (with certainty never the sufficient to be elect) without much necessity of old tidbits and aperitifs, which the people already, for custom, met customary to sanction with its attention, in the period of campaign politics. In the future look of the people it was possible to see already waited desire of change and conquest of its ideals, however one to step on of momentnea reality obtained to frustrate the hopeful one to look at to the future: wage improvement; condition of a worthy and proper habitation; an education of quality to the children therefore one to look at little appreciated for ‘ ‘ grandes’ ‘ ; all age changed, many times, for the elimination of the debits accumulated of the light account, that waits four years so that it could have the religada electric energy.
City People
Not rare, many men and women whom if they qualify to such function esmaecem the proper flag that they display coloring it with the colors of the personal vanity and of the awaken taste for flavors that it were unknown until then, before reaching a certain financial platform and social status, something that generally happens as consequence of the position that they start to occupy. This sends in them to a wise popular saying that says: ' ' Who never ate melado, when it eats is smeared! ' '. By the way, he is difficult same to equate such game of interests; the staffs or the collective ones? In all in case that valley to stand out, however, one detail important how much to the nature of the communitarian leadership. A legal representative is that one that possesss documents pointing with respect to its authority, but a legitimate representative only can be that one happened of the proper community which represents; expert of its common yearnings, the minudncias, the alive characteristics of the people who wait somebody not only takes that them as a priority and as mere justification for wages or any other financial benefits or not. For this point of view it is possible to perceive that nor always to be legalized it implies in being legitimated for the experience with problematic common of a quarter, of one it has left specific of the city or the field.
Illustrating this question better the case of a councilman can be observed who if makes legal representative for the fact to have been elect and starts to possess legal instrument that confers to it to be able to legislate on behalf of the population. However, this does not want to say that it has in fact the natural capacity of making it. If it comes from some type of collective work next to the people of an area, if it withholds the knowledge of what it is the real necessity of this people, if its work is supported in a plain concrete of social estruturao, can be concluded that this elect councilman is simultaneously legal, for the votes who had made it a public server, and is legitimated for the work that it played next to those for who if it qualifies to demand improvements.
Articulated National System
With the new politics of the MEC Ministry of the Education and Culture, over all the PDE, Plan of Development of the Education, the pertaining to school Institutions is guided by proposals of decentralization, autonomy, self management etc, inculcando to the community pertaining to school, practical democratic and participativas of the management. The school is democracy space, from the management, considering itself of this form that is possible to raise the success of the articulated school by means of one practical one of management, not leaving of attempting against in them to the fact of that a unit of education is not made solid without it has the envolvement of other sectors of the society. It is necessary to develop continuous politics and that they have beginning, way and end during its implementation. Ahead of this question, it is placed necessity of collection for the diverse social actors of the effectiveness of the proposals that we read in diverse official documents of the Government Federal, as well as for right to the continuation of the projects and educational plans so that the improvement of the education does not suffer interferences with the governmental transistions. When considering a Articulated National System of Education, is conceived that we have that to take in account the part all and, since the external evaluation to the intramuros of the school, as for example, plans of the system, the educative institution, the professor and the thus explained student in the document of the conference. In the scope of the evaluation of the National System of Education in Brazil, the quarrel if guideline in problematic of the models and the purposes of the current form of evaluation. One national politics of evaluation articulated to the subsystem is considered now, seeing itself the necessity of an evaluation that not only contemplates the ranqueamento of the educative institutions but also that it aims at the development of the systems of education and the process teach-learning. .
Democratic Alliance
But the cupola of the PMDB already was seting an agreement with politicians grumblers of the PDS. Thus keeping the same old rules that had been kept, the president would be elect indirectly for the electoral College, was a scaffolding that always gave victory to the government happens that the official candidate of the PDS, Mr. Pablo Maluf was with its image total denigrated because of its linking with the podrido of the military regimen, much politicians of the PDS had perceived that it did not give for Maluf. In this period it was having a great popular mobilization the young were wanting the direct elections. However, with defeat of the emendation it was a cold water bath for the population. Plus coalition of parties of opposition congregated in the Democratic Alliance it chose Tancredo Snows to be its representative. In 15 of January of 1985 Tancredo Snows she was elect President for the College Eleitoral and Jose Sarney as its vice one, representing the party of the opposition and defeating Pablo Maluf, of right. in the eve to the same take ownership in 14 of March of year, the politician was interned in serious state in the hospital and the vice-president Jose Sarney assumed the position.
Tancredo snows made career in the PDS next to the oligarchies mineiras.foi minister of the justice of Getlio Vargas and was in the MDB. Moderate, it never has serious attritions with the military regimen was one skillful politician, but that never if he bound to no popular fight, it turned rescuer our native land giving an end in the Military Regimen that haunted the country for 21anos. more the destination was ironic when it irai to take Tancredo ownership falece in day 21 of April of 1985, giving to beginning more a chapter of the day of the redemocratizao in Brazil with the government of Jose Sarney.
Main Methods
E the expenditure is an expense with the activity-half and it does not generate financial return, only propitiates certain ' ' conforto' ' or functionality to the enterprise environment. For description and analysis methods are used, being the Main Methods of Expenditure: Management of Costs (it defray for absorption or integral, direct Expenditure, Cost standard, Expenditure based on activities, GECON, Cost-goal. According to S (1990: 108), ' ' the costs of the quality can be divided in four groups: costs of prevention, costs of inspection, costs of internal imperfections, costs of external imperfections. In the first group they are registered all the expenses that the company incurs into intention to prevent the imperfections. In as the group they are registered the expenses related with the activities of inspection carried through by the companies. The third group shelters the expenses related with the activities of retrabalhos.' ' Being thus, in case that the inspection has not been efficient, it will be in this group of costs that will be verified the expenses for the adequacy of the product. Finally, the room group says respect to the costs related to discovered imperfections 6 for the consumers. They are registered the guarantee coverings, expenses with recall etc.
the company must have in mind that is necessary to keep permanent investments to not only acquire the quality and yes for its maintenance. Thus being, the more first investments in the two groups lesser tend to be throughout the time the costs of the two last groups. The ambient costs are only one subgroup of a vaster universe of necessary costs to one adjusted taken of decisions. They are not distinct costs, but they are part of an integrated system of material and monetary flows that cover the company. For the calculation of the total ambient costs of the company the cost of the wasted materials is added, work and depreciation and operating expenses with the costs save ambient.
Same Brazil
There an old worker, 60 years lives, works in a service any 8 hours per day are its horria load! It does not have the such of the Ticket feeding, and it does not have valley has carried! Its wage? One! Minimum? today this represents 600 Reals. It arrived behind? The master xinga! This indisposto? Bad luck of ‘ ‘ velho’ ‘ , you receiving; it works! If it has family, little matters Deferred payment far from the service? BAD LUCK YOURS! It has what to eat? What to dress? It obtains to work? The wage of the one for the month? This is the world of the wage-earning workers for Brazil measures different what we could call another world: Its work? It is a little difficult, works 3 times per week. Pra to say the truth, nor work this I can call. It frequents the Chamber to say that it was there, he is master of itself exactly, he is elect for the People who still believes that honest politicians exist. This there for the money, therefore what it earns in one Month, never will gain outside daqui Aerial tickets for it and its family, aid housing, aid have carried, valley feeding, telephone that it can use how much to want, and also not forgetting them employee staffs who it can contract they have a reasonable wage, which had tried to increase, but had also not obtained, were thus low same. 21 a thousand MONTHLY Reals.
These bonifications, and wages are official of the government This, is the reality politics of Brazil, this reality politics is paid with the taxes of that old and poor worker, who in an arduous work and weighed, paid its taxes in day, and automatically, board the life of luxury of the legislators, who always want more do not have some wrong thing? still our legislators has the courage to say: ‘ ‘ I must have a wage more something, I have direito.’ ‘ That right? He is this speaking suddenly of the beginning of the Dignity human being? Really, who gains 21 a thousand Reals and all these bonifications are with its wounded rights. If this finds that he is not being guaranteed its rights, that right this old wage-earning worker will have, with a small wage of 600 Reals, to practically give its life for the work to gain this wage? Wage of the Worker: A minimum. (without ticket, assessors, bond nothing) = 600,00 federal Legislator: 21 a thousand + ticket, card, telephone, employees.
Brazilian Constitution
I wrote an article with this exactly heading, Curiously, I consider this the most important article that already I wrote, but for the time being I have few readers. I do not know if all already had attempted against. We are living the danger of ' ' dictatorship of bem' '. They are movements that if say ' ' protectors of sociedade' ' that influences public agents so that laws and regulations are created inappellably that go to intervene with our life. because, theoretically, they defend attitudes ' ' of bem' ' , they find echo between the imprudent ones. Illed-inform they are the ones that do not obtain to see as its life goes to lose the freedom and the intended favour if norms will be approved.
As for the health or to the risks of life, for example, the dictatorship of the good finds an allied powerful, that can very badly be used. The Brazilian Constitution says that all we have right to the health. To give to all type of medical assistance the 190 million Brazilians seems half utopian but, we go there, takes that one day if obtains. The biggest problem is the solutions if to fulfill what it is written. The private plans of health are, in part, subsidized for the government. This wants to say that, exactly that you are rich, if not to use the security belt and will be to stop in the hospital, the common man goes to pay a part of the account. Soon: they had arranged a beautiful excuse to moor me inside of my car and to add the value of the belt in the price of the car.
Soon in the automobile, one of the last redoubts of freedom of the man, where it can cry out, xingar, sing, love, go and come, any thing. To cause accidents cannot, but to use kit first-aid, belt of security and other devices that still go to invent somebody to gain one comissozinha, this can. He is as the American author of ' said; ' The Bab' State; '. In the United States, because a child if drowned in a swimming pool, they had created an apparatus of security for all the thousands of swimming pools of the country that cost a dribble to the contributors and took off until the favour to swim. It wants another one? This way, they had invented a new identity card. I am not needing a new identity card but, together with 190 million Brazilians, I go to have that to enter in a line to take off the new. The justification: more technology, more security, more control. Already it thought about the commission that can involve in this business? Now they are the foods. If I to want to be fat person, I cannot be, because any decurrent illness goes to cost expensive to the SUS. The price for the lack of my pleasure in taking an ice cream, however, the bureaucrat ' ' of bem' ' it does not go to pay. It nor the least consider that my being is joins: he can have cholesterol, triglecerdios, diabetes, but with certainty also he has endorfina, mind, spirit, desire, satisfaction. We do not need State in our lives more. We need less. Little taxes, little interferences. freedom.