The International Organization

The brief interventions allow to develop action as education for the alcohol, use of selection methods, basic orientaes, but feedback becomes necessary to create one and to emphasize the users of bigger sensitivity. Ahead of these data, the present study it searchs to identify to interventions applied in the shelter of nursing in relation the abusive alcohol consumption. Source: acaho. This study it objectified to analyze the performance of the nurse of the work in relation to the abusive consumption of alcohol to the user of the unit and worker. One is to a qualitative study, the descriptive type, carried through with a nurse of the work. For such a half-structuralized questionnaire was applied, contends referring questions to the interventions developed while professional in the area of the work. The data collected they had been demonstrated through study case. The result showed that interviewed it has knowledge and qualification to approach the subject, recognizes the importance to approach the user in the initial evaluation in such a way aiming at the reduction of the related problems to the abusive alcohol consumption in the labor life as social. It was perceived that the interventions developed and executed for the interviewed one condizem with the suggested one in current literature, evidencing that, the nurse of the work, while knows the necessity to approach the subject, directly contributes for promotion of the health and interventions in relation to the abusive alcohol consumption.

Word-key: Abusive alcohol consumption; Brief interventions; Nursing. Interventions of mursing in relation you the abusive consumption of alcohol in the reception you workers ABSTRACT The International Organization of the Work – OIT in the last decades is accomplishing studies that he/she reveals the Alcoholism adds them of the main factors that provoke damages in the companies. He/she is also considered that there is big loss in the productivities and will be the world economy, around 1.15% of GDP, that it represents 500 million dollars.


Another point to be observed in the communication, according to author, is the vocabulary, that must translate into the receiver accurately the same felt that it has for the sender, when this does not occur, we say that it did not have an efficient communication. Thus, so that an efficient communication occurs, it is necessary the use of an understandable vocabulary to the receiver as it is to the sender. The communication is composed of verbal and not-verbal manifestations that are used for the communicators, with the intention to change information. The verbal one mentions the express words to it by means of the said language or writing that we use stops communicating in them. For intermediary of the language, we can display our ideas, divide experiences with the other people.

Therefore, without it, we can be limited and not to be understood (STEFANELLI, 1993). Regarding the verbal communication, Bakhtin comments: The job of the language is effected in form of declared (you pray and writings) concrete and only, pronounced for integrant of this or that field of the activity human being. These statements reflect the conditions specific and the purposes of each related field … Evidently, each particular statement is individual, but each field of use of the language elaborates its relatively steady types of statements, which we call sorts of the speech. (BAKHTIN, 2006, 261). The not-verbal communication mentions the manifestations to it of the body, not express for words, as the expressions face, the position of the body, the gestures among others. This form of communication is unconscious and control is not had on it (STEFANELLI, 1993). As if it does not have control on the not-verbal communication, many times are with the aid of the manifestations that we perceive if the sad, glad person this, with fear, feeling pain or worried. Among these manifestations, we can detach the face expression and the corporal one, however all the types of communication can provoke incompreenso, depending on the way as express and it is interpreted, causing modifications in the cases where the communication is effective (STEFANELLI, 1993).

Swaan Solutions

The growth of the interdependence human being brought the extension and the intensification of the external effect of the action, or the proper existence, one, poor ones, on others, rich. The transistion for an urban and industrial society, that evidences the problems of the mutual dependence, meant the abandonment in such a way gradual, due to its impossibility, of individual solutions as to run away from the contact with the dismissed ones and/or to leave them it the flavor of the luck or the market, how much, due to its inefficacy front to the size of the problem, of voluntary solutions as the filantrpicas organizations, of charity and aid-loan. The well-being politics contemporaries, as the proper State produces that them, they would be resulted historical not anticipated of the efforts of the elites, and the conflicts the intra-elites, to explore, to manage, to control and to attenuate the increasing effect external of the destitution, ahead of the increasing failure of the individual solutions and the precariousness of the voluntary solutions. In this process we have gnese of the call social, basic conscience in the formation of a collective and national identity, defined as ' ' conscience of the intensive and extensive growth of the interdependence bows, together with the disposal to contribute with the remedies for the adversities and deficiencies that affect outros' ' (Of Swaan, they idem: 10). This sense of responsibility, that did not eliminate the filantrpica action, requires each time well-taken care of state and resources that will be extracted compulsively of the society and will benefit to all, contributing or not. The State if constituted as legitimate organization, due to formation of this social conscience, and capable, had to its specific characteristics, to regulate the effect negative of the social interdependences, that, throughout the time, tend to be reduced the solutions legal and administrative under the responsibility of a bureaucracy.


This acts as process where if of the transference of a message of an sender, for verbal, not-verbal, chemical, electromagnetic a receiver, being able to be among others. The act of if communicating would be the way for intermediary of which the individual displays its experiences, ideas, knowledge and feelings to another human being. Soon, through this, a message is codified and exactly decoded using sonorous, iconographic or gestuais systems and signs or symbols among others (PEN-CASANOVA, 1999). Such can be used with verbal communication, audible manifestation, in the form of speaks, but not-verbal, as of form also written, in the corporal language, among others. It is important, to stand out, however, that, amongst the human beings the transference of the verbal message, involves a falante and one or more listeners. Therefore, the individuals are programmed since early communicating itself. Composed of systems of transmission of messages, in its verbal form the communication has the language, that in turn says it has it as main element (PEN-CASANOVA, 1999). Soon, the language says and allows it the transmission of the message.

It says it, as Guedes (1997) is a function of the breath, on to the neurofisiolgicas changes of the larngeos consequences, of the musculatura of the joint that receives impulses volunteers of the cranianos nerves for where if they create audible sounds and meanings, that is, words. Thus, in its production the movements can be complex and changeable, if modifying in accordance with the phonetic context, with emotional load or the formality or informality of the situation, becoming the joint in some situations acurada and more intelligible. In it speaks, the voice is the sonorous emission produced by the larynx, generating sounds and the words, placing in practical the codification and decoding, necessary for the exchange of messages between the human beings. Therefore, the language demands the development of four systems that if relate and keep dependence, that is the pragmatic one, the fonolgico, semantic and the grammatical one (PEN-CASANOVA, 1999).

Health Analysis

Studies epidemiologists had evidenced that the reduction of masculine mortality always was lesser and slower in relation to the feminine sex, this currently are comparativily observed in all the regions of Brazil: In the Country, in 2001, 7.8% of the total of men were in equal the etria band the 60 and more years and 0.9% had 80 years at least; for the women these values had been bigger, respectively, equal 9.3% and 1.3%. In 2002, of the total of masculine internments in hospitals of the SUS or they conveniados, 4.5%, 12.4% and 21% had been neoplasias malignant, illnesses of the circulatrio and respiratory device, respectively, whereas for the ones of 60 and more years, the values had been 7.3%, 29.4% and 20,1%.Para the greaters of 80 years, the ratios had arrived 4.8%, 30.5% and 25.1% for respective causes. (LAURENTI, JORGE, GOTLIEB, 2004, P. 37). It is fact that some illnesses reach more to the men what it reflects greater mortality, and how much to the exposition the risk factors such as violence, excessive alcoholic consumption and drugs also the use of the tobacco, among others cause an increase of the morbidade in this population, another factor verified in research are low adhesion of the men the campaigns of promotion and prevention. The research of Gomes, Birth, Arajo; (2007) they inform on the masculine morbidade and sample that the sensitization of the men and its profile of morbimortalidade strong is not associated with the values of thus described cultural sort and: The imaginary one of the man can imprison the cultural masculine and mooring cables, making it difficult the autocuidado adoption of practical of, therefore to the measure that the man is seen as virile, invulnervel and strong, look the health service, in a preventive perspective, could associates it weakness, fear and unreliability; therefore, it could it approaches it of the representations of the feminine universe, what it would possibly imply diffidences concerning this masculinidade socially instituted.

Sisters Medicine

I think about an including shelter, with which we can demonstrate to love and interest for the life of the patient and the will to brighten up its pain, assisting it to become it its calmer death and with little suffering in the cases of patient terminals. The objective of this work is to prove how much the religion can influence of beneficial or maleficent form in the treatment of patient terminals, verifying the possibilities of that the same one can or not to help in the relief of the suffering of the terminal customer and to show the necessity of the attention to the espiritualidade with the terminal patient. 2 ESTIMATED 2,1 THEORETICIANS the History of the Espiritualidade in the Care with Patient Even so the indication of the necessities spirituals of a patient as part of a medical treatment is seen as something today new and different, this practical is in the very old truth. But inside of the last hundreds of years the medicine and the religion had followed different ways and the doctors had started to ignore these subjects. For all the history of the humanity, religion and medicine had walked together. During good part of the time, the Christian church controlled the universities where the medical training was done and directed the license so that the doctors exerted the medicine. (KOENIG, 1997, P. 11).

Still more strong of what the connection between medicine and religion is the historical linking between religion and nursing. The craft of the nursing came directly of the church, with the Sisters of Charity of Is Vicente de Paula starting to organize nuns catholics to serve as many religious and not-religious hospitals in 1617 (KOENIG, 1997, P. 11). Each time more science if curve ahead of the largeness and the importance of the espiritualidade in the dimension of the human being.