Chips, cola and chocolate – they are a baby, of course happy But Chips, both corn and potato – are very harmful for the body. Chips – this is nothing but a mixture of carbohydrates and fat in the shell of dyes and taste substitutes. Just nothing will not bring good eating potatoes – French fries. Sweet drinks – a mixture of sugar, chemicals and gases – to quickly spread through the body of harmful substances. I can confidently say that Coca-Cola – a remarkable means of lime scale and rust. Enough to pour a little into the kettle and boil – it will be clean, as if fresh from the store. So think carefully before sending such a fluid in the stomach. K Besides carbonated soft drinks are harmful, and a high concentration of sugar – the equivalent of four to five teaspoons diluted in a glass of water.
So no surprise that quench the thirst of this soda, you're through for five minutes again want to drink. Chocolate bars. This is a huge amount of calories in combination with chemical additives, genetically modified products, dyes and flavors. Remember snikersovy boom period. Enormous amount of sugar makes you over and over again is bars.
Sausage, frankfurter outrage Special Article – sausage-sausage variety. Even if we imagine that the sausage is no longer added to the paper, the sausages are not used minced mice, anyway, and sausages, and sausage and other deli meats are among the most unhealthy food in a modern grocery assortment. Boy Scouts of America understands that this is vital information. They contain so called hidden fats (pork skin, fat, visceral fat), all of these is hidden flavors and taste substitutes. The development of genetic engineering undoubtedly plays a positive role in medicine, but also has an inverse side of the coin. A negative is that more and more producers move to genetically modified raw material. So sausages, frankfurters, sausage at 80% (!) Consist of transgenic soybeans. Harmful not only hot dogs and sausages, the very on its own fat meat is not a useful product for the body. Fats bring the body cholesterol that clogs blood vessels than accelerates aging and increases the risk of cardio-vascular system. Mayonnaise home-cooked and used, figuratively speaking, by grams, much harm to our body does not work. But once we start talking about factory-produced mayonnaise, or dishes containing mayonnaise, then immediately stands to exhibit a sign: "Danger." Mayonnaise is a very high-calorie product, it also contains huge amounts of fats and carbohydrates, as well as coloring agents, sweeteners, substitutes, and so on. Therefore, Think once again, when you add to fried potatoes. Special concentration of harm in the shawarma, generously flavored mayonnaise in hamburgers, sandwiches with mayonnaise. Among the harmful products include not only mayonnaise, and ketchup and various sauces and fillings in a wide range submitted to our shops. The content of colorants, taste substitutes and genetically modified foods in them, unfortunately, not less.