Microcontroller Interface Wiegand

The range of devices for access control and time tracking brand Smartec joined the anti-vandal ID card readers ST-PR060EM, ST-PR160EM and ST-PR160EK. The work of these models is based on technology Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) at 125 kHz using a protocol EM Marine, provide read range 6-18 cm New rfid-readers are Wiegand 26 interface for connecting to various access control manufacturers, dust-and moisture-resistant housing with IP65 and can be used indoors or outdoors. Models ST-supplemented PR160EK 12-key keyboard and provide greater protection for the access point. Models ST-PR060EM and ST-PR160EM represent a candy readers that implement the presented method code to the card-check them. In contrast, rfid-reader equipped with ST-PR160EK 12-key membrane keypad kodonabornoy and allow you to customize identification of additional options: in addition to having maps EM Marine, a reader requires a set of pin-code, which increases the safety of the access point, because it allowed the passage of a foreign card. To identify contactless cards, tags and labels, the standard EM Marine Series ST-PR060/160 readers using RFID technology RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and operate at a frequency of 125 kHz. Credit: Dr. Neal Barnard-2011.

They consist of an antenna module, radio frequency block, chip and Microcontroller Interface Wiegand 26, and is active constantly emit a radio signal, creating an electromagnetic field around itself. In the presentation to a reader identification card in it is induced by stress due to which card is activated and modulates its unique code back signal that rfid-readers pass on the controller to verify its presence in the database. Range code reading rfid-cards in different models of Smartec determined by the size of the antenna and the power electronics module. In particular, ST-PR060EM reader is able to receive a response signal at a distance of 15 cm, and the model ST-PR160EM and ST-PR160EK – up to 18 cm in issuing system controller permission to pass through an access point or refusal of admission rfid-reader beeps and the LED will activate the appropriate color – green or red. In addition to use in access control systems, new readers can used in systems of working time, hospitality and other systems with short-range readers.

At the organization access control and time tracking devices on the basis of ST-PR060EM, ST-PR160EM and ST-PR160EK as identifiers can be used, for example, proximity card rfid-ST-PC010EM brand Smartec. They are made of durable plastic, have standard sizes 85h54h1.8 mm, resistant to corrosion and external electromagnetic fields. Boy Scouts will not settle for partial explanations. In this case, rfid-readers provide a range of communication c card up to 10 cm With Smartec card as a pass on them can be applied to text-graphical information about a user (picture, name, etc.) using special stickers. New readers are moisture-and dust-proof housing with protection class IP65, so that they can operate, both indoors and in outdoor conditions. Operating temperature range ST-PR060EM, ST-PR160EM and ST-PR160EK ranging from -30 to +50 C at a relative humidity of 95%. Thanks to rfid-readers are the perfect choice for monitoring and access control of warehouses, offices, shops offices etc. Moreover, high-impact plastic housing rfid-models Smartec withstand shock, that is of great practical value when they are installed outdoors.

Solid Service

By the function of sanitary water boilers are single circuit and double-circuit. Double-circuit boilers provide hot water heating without additional external devices include a flow-through heat exchanger or hot water boiler built. Single-circuit boilers are designed for space heating and, if necessary, separate heating boiler installed. By way of venting gas boiler flue and are turbocharged. Chimney pots – is a natural draft boilers. To install these need a chimney. Through attraction, the flue gases are removed into the atmosphere. Details can be found by clicking Viktor Mayer-Schönberger or emailing the administrator.

Burning in the boilers is supported by oxygen from the boiler room, because to the boiler with boiler flue imposed requirements on the flow of air. Turbocharged boilers – boilers with a sealed combustion chamber with forced removal from flue gas by a blower and fed outside air for combustion. The most commonly used coaxial tube. On the inside tube removed exhaust hot gases, and the outdoor air is supplied to the combustion chamber. Priority of such boilers – no chimney pipe coaxial output simply through a hole in the outer wall.

Gas condensing boilers are completely new principle of operation compared to conventional boilers. BSA is often quoted on this topic. The advantages of condensing boilers: – high efficiency – up to 110% – heat exchangers made of stainless steel and have a period of service in 2.5 – 3 times more than copper heat exchangers, the probability of a compact placement at high power – Wall gas condensing boilers have a capacity of up to 100kW – thermal comfort – condensing boilers have the greatest efficiency at temperature 50/30, which is especially important when heating systems 'hot sex'. Electric boilers are quiet, easy to install and maintain, do not pollute the environment, but consume large amounts of electricity. Solid fuel boilers incredibly prevalent everywhere. Use them at a time when other forms of energy available, or horror of the road. With solid fuel boilers is not easy implement the basic problem of heating – keep the room temperature constant. One must always check the combustion process, coal underlay, remove slag and ash. Fortunately, the development does not stand still. There are: Solid fuel boilers long burning Stropuva. In the solid-fuel boilers of new generation Stropuva period of burning on one tab of wood – up to 30 hours, and coal – up to 5 days! So the greater length of the tab on one fuel – is economy of not only time and money, and comfort in use. In boilers STROPUVA laid an impressive amount of fuel that kindled and burns in the surface layer, rather than below as in conventional boilers. Thus, boiler best and most economical uses coal, allowing you to achieve high levels of efficiency. Solid fuel boilers with combustion of pyrolysis of wood and simple adjustment of power. In these boilers burn themselves do not firewood, and wood gas released from them under heat. This forms a very little ash. Service. Initial start-up of each boiler design and warranty produces a master service organization serving the boilers of the brand. The functions of the service in addition includes: warranty and post warranty repair, annual maintenance of boilers. Existence service center and spare parts necessary range of the boiler is an important criterion for selecting brand boiler, because boiler inevitably in need of repair and maintenance. Extension of the warranty on the boiler in excess of 1 year is service center at its mandatory annual maintenance.

ELCO Series Fuel

In ELCO burners use the latest innovations in technology and proprietary engineering solutions into coupled with the achievements of electronics and automation. Fuel oil (diesel burner) burner fan with built-pump for pumping liquid fuel from the tank. They are cheaper than natural gas due to economical scheme throttle. Oil burner – suitable for combustion of liquid fuels (heating oil, diesel fuel). The company is the market ELCO Series (series EL, E5 L, EK05-EK06 L, EK6-EK9 L, EK DUO L, RPD L) oil burners capacity from 25 kW to 55 MW to work on light and heavy fuel oil with low emissions of harmful substances. The "diesel" fuel oil burner, supplied under pressure is sprayed to a gaseous state. In a mixing cell fuel vapor mixed with air (oxygen) and the resulting combustible mixture is ignited at the exit of the mixing chamber providing stable flames. The company produces oil burners ELCO with mechanical jets and steam jets.

Practical solution to form burner gives you access to the device's internal components. The flame is carried through removable photoresist element. In burners with mechanical injection of liquid fuel injectors is through a special nozzle that has a unique design. Fuel is supplied to the nozzle under pressure from high-pressure fuel pump. Oil burner ELCO, working on heavy liquid fuels, and are designed for medium and heavy burning liquid fuel. The use of steam spray of heavy fuel oil can warm up first to reduce the viscosity, thereby reducing the level of emissions and provide better atomization. By installing and commissioning of the oil burner is better to involve a specialist.

To be effective, and the burner should take into account the existing rules. It's no secret that the basic requirements for modern heating systems is to provide a continuous process of heating and reliable operation of all systems. To accomplish this task successfully used the combined burner. Typically, multi-fuel burners are equipped with two motors – one for the fan, the other for the fuel pump. And also has 2 modes of operation as a gas, as well as on diesel. Under the order can be completed dual fuel burners of the automatic switching from gas to liquid fuel, which will provide the change management of the gas pressure, outside temperature or programmed with a timer device. Normal burner equipment requires manual switching from one fuel to another. The advantage of using dual fuel burners is easy to feel at a time when: There is no stable source of one type of fuel; Economic conditions change frequently and prefer one or another type of fuel changes in the operation of heating equipment, ensuring 100% reliability and continuity of heat; Opportunity transition to the gaseous fuel. We hope that the above information will help you understand the selection of equipment best meets your needs.

New Machines

Manitou is 5 new vehicles, including lift 200 ATJ Articulated boom 20, which will be launched in the first quarter of 2009 to the new machines the company Manitou BF include: two workers from the two sources of power lift with swivel arm 150 and 170 AETJ L AETJ L; referring to the line running from the internal combustion engine lift additional model with a hinged arm and a working height of 20 m and 200 ATJ two platforms with a vertical mast and the boom 80 VJR and 100 VJR series “Evolution”. Powered by two power sources like electric hoists model of Manitou BF, but due to the low noise level, the presence of two cylinders, water cooling engine Lombardi Focs 702 – 10.7 kW” this building technique can work both indoors and outdoors. Machines 150 and 170 AETJ L AETJ L can operate entirely on battery power or electric mode of the diesel engine and have a working height of 15 and 17 m. This platform does not designed to operate in rough terrain, but the larger tires and greater ground clearance (17.5 cm versus 10 cm for all electric vehicles) make it possible external application. An additional advantage is that of an engine in the diesel Mode may be carried out charging. The time to recharge a discharged battery to 80% to a fully charged state, takes only 3 hours.

Unlike the lift with 200 ATJ articulated boom and a lifting height of 20 meters, with production to begin in the first quarter of 2009, from models with working height of less than 160 ATJ (16 m) and 180 ATJ (18 m), lies in the fact that the hinge elements are aligned at the top of the side not side of relation to each other. According to the company’s Manitou BF, because this design provides additional stability for most of the working height and radius of 12 m. The machine has a 200 ATJ new engine meets Euro-3 standards, will later be installed on smaller models. To date – this is the biggest lift in Manitou, which combines the new linkage in the form located above the center of the double parallelogram two-section telescopic boom and an elongated beam. In developing the model VJR series “Evolution” focused on the weight and ease of transportation.

The machine 80 VJR series “Evolution” weighs only 2250 kg, and the machine 100 VJR – 2600 kg. Due to weight loss on models of the series “Evolution” and the additional flexibility provided by boom, these machines are easier to use a wider range of indoor and outdoor space is limited. The engines are installed on lifts VJR, increased battery life time and helped to reduce power consumption.

Electrical Equipment

The company is implementing BIELEKTRO breakers and voltage transformers, electricity meters and current transformers. Focus your attention on the fact that the whole range of , offered to our store produced in factories that have a reputation as a reliable and serious supplier. Our product is certified and meets all the conditions of State Standard. Our site is implemented with concern for the electrical load. And this – the whole the people of our great Russia. Come to our store BIELEKTRO in which you will always find, including electric meters, cut in type and flip the switches and transformers, voltage and current. For residents of Moscow there is no option see an enormous amount of E in search of electrical equipment.

You just need to get our online resource and see the catalog of products. Meters are the most purchased products. In our store you will always find the energy meters and electronic induction-phase and single phase. We are selling a different one tariff dvuhtarifnoe trehtarifnoe and equipment of this kind. Counters electricity purchased from our store, have a magnificent view and are very practical in operation, as they give owners the ability to control using the records of discharge power on special schedule.

Our meters can automatically switch to daylight saving time. In addition, we offer you and multirate meters metering, able to count the energy consumed in several time zones of day. Such devices are actual owners of private enterprises, as well as in industrial sector. In the list of goods of our representation, any accessories you otischite for electricity in the price of products online resource BIELEKTRO good selection of cut in type and perekednyh breakers. There are circuit breakers that are used to enable or disable and check power supply, or when transferring the user back to the main line. Y We carry circuit breakers open and closed. All are standard size. Short handle circuit breakers could easily operate the equipment. Circuit breakers in our store are sold Completed rod, which allows, if necessary, to make rukoyatkurubilnika outside electrical panel. We invite customers who need current and voltage transformers for industrial facilities that use electricity at lower voltages than applied in the electrical, we offer high-voltage step-down transformers. They convert the primary winding on the line for low voltage electricity and This ensures safe operation of industrial enterprises. The range of such equipment in our shopping centers are common. With us you buy the power transformers and oil-dry, single-and three-phase. We cater to the needs of customers who want to buy transformers for heat treatment of concrete and soil, as well as transformers for temporary and local coverage. In our catalog in stock transformers and power supply for hand power tools. If you are looking for a single-phase transformers, which are indispensable for use in various branches of the economy, they also have in our stock. Always in availability and to order three-phase transformers used for metering electrical energy in enterprises that involve electrical alternating current. All equipment is reflected in the catalog – the highest quality, is reliable and safe, that is certainly the overarching thesis work using electrical energy to other basic products we sell – their durability and neprihotlivolst for operation in various climatic conditions. We have employed competent employees, well versed in electrical equipment. Our consultants will advise on any matter that you might have, beautifully served and give you exactly what electrical equipment, which will fully meet your needs.

Name Quantity Unit

Thanks to the smooth speed control motor, the use of frequency converters simplifies the mechanical system and helps reduce costs. Proper acceleration of the electric motor reduces shock loads of parts and assemblies drivers, which leads to increased equipment life in general. For example, using a frequency converter HYUNDAI brand in conjunction with pumping unit saves up to 50% electricity. Using the inverter eliminates hydroblows, dramatically reduces the mechanical stress on components and machinery parts, allows you to monitor the equipment in real time. At business need can be installed remote pumping stations, making adjustments to work through the Internet, and in emergency situations – SMS informing staff on duty and archiving of key events for all time. With the idea that at different times of day water consumption, and as a consequence – power consumption differ, we can calculate the economic effect of chastotonogo converter. Let us, knowing that at different times of day water consumption in high-rise building varies in a quantitative value: increases in the morning and evening hours, decreases in the daytime and night – you can to calculate the economic effect of the inverter in a small pumping station, which works to ensure high-rise building. Calculation of the efficiency of the implementation of the system to control pumps pumping station Sosnovskaya Name Meaning dimension pumping unit to pump type 80-50-200 Rated head 50 m 50 Rated flow m3 / h Speed 2840 r / min Power consumption 10.5 kW el / dv 15 kW Nom.tok E / dv 30 A cost savings 1kVt/chas Score 2.28 USD payback calculation frequency converter: Name Quantity Unit.

ism. The savings estimated in comparison with 42% throttling throttling consumption at 360 kWh / Savings for frequency regulation of 151 kW / h payback period 0.83 years cost control box with emergency 120 000 rubles data are taken at the time of calculation: the value of kW / h is 2, 28 rubles. and measuring the magnitude of energy consumption with the use of CRP and throttling, we obtain the energy savings of 42% when using the converter, as compared to throttling. Thus, a system based on the frequency converter with an estimated value of 120 000 rubles. pays less than a year later and only works to save energy, and as a consequence – to save money the company. In addition to direct savings, we get: 1.

Increased life of equipment in the 1.5-2. 2. Savings of up to 30% vodozatrat due to the high accuracy of maintaining the schedule pressure in water supply networks. 3. Reduced wear and longer service life of process equipment, excluding hydraulic shocks. 4. Reduction repair costs. To achieve the total volume of these positive results by using the inverter, you must correctly pick up the converter itself. In this article, as an example We have led the inverter company HYUNDAI. In conclusion, we want to add that the introduction of automation in production can save on electricity costs for salaries and maintenance personnel on duty. It should be noted that these energy-efficient systems are fully compliant with 261 of the Federal Law.