Economic Cooperation

Editorial, Internet newspaper kabbalah world wave washes away all the nonsense of the crisis in the world. It now begins to appear very sharp. Never before has a man and the world have not been in this position. You will see how to use all sorts of extraneous capabilities, people will want to get rid of surpluses. They feel that it interferes, it deprives them of something. This will lead to the fact that they are ashamed of the strength and financial power they wield. Nieman Foundation recognizes the significance of this.

It will be revealed as harmful, negative, is not respected in society, despised by the phenomenon. Michael Laitman Abridged translation of the article British economist Richard Layard Baron (Richard Layard), a member of the British House of Lords, the head of Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics. What is progress? 'The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development,' asks this question for quite some time, and the current crisis is making to find the answer. According to the Anglo-Saxon understanding, progress means to reduce poverty and increase happiness. But progress does not mean wealth creation or innovation.

It is often useful tools, but never the ultimate goal. So, we should stop the cult of money and create a more humane society, where the main criterion will be the usual human experience. If everyone would pay for labor, then people will be able to choose a way of life best suited to each of them. After all, despite the massive creation of wealth and happiness in the world has increased.

Emperor Hadrian

So in his life Rabbi Akiva came and began a new stage of comprehension of the Creator. American Diabetes Association is actively involved in the matter. Disciple of Rabbi Akiva Rashba was demanding, and therefore the favorite disciple of Rabbi Akiva. Rest, he himself almost did not allow – slept for three hours a day. Over table, knocked out two neobstrugannyh boards, for which the Rashba studied Kabbalah, a candle burned all night. After two years of study Rashba married, and was born the son of Elazar, who later became a proud father. More than thirteen years Rashba studied at Rabbi Akiva. A great desire to discover a higher power made him a star pupil, raised to a higher spiritual level.

In those days, ordinary people's lives were unbearably heavy. In this small nation had seen the Emperor Hadrian a real threat to his power and kept in Judea two legions of soldiers. But he never managed to finally conquer it. The revolt led by Bar Kochba revolt spread throughout Judea, becoming fatal to the state and especially for students of Rabbi Akiva. 24 000 of his students were killed in bloody battles broke out, and epidemics. Only five survived, and one of them was Rashba.

Emperor Hadrian took revenge with a rebellious extreme cruelty. On his orders, burned fields, thousands of people were executed, hundreds of thousands carried away into slavery. Determined to break the spirit of the people, the Romans executed publicly Rabbi Akiva. Then came the turn of the Rashba. Adrian constantly denounced what he cocky, does not recognize the power of the Romans, but the terrible – he is listened to, respected and loved.

Gabbana Beauty

If a person builds a this beautiful form, and his desire is 'clothed' in endless love and good returns. In other words, beauty is in the form of Kabbalah, meaning of love and the impact that 'puts' on a wish. Eternal striving to embody love So why are we so fascinated beauty that willing to pay for her own good money and effort? Do you want to – believe it or – no, but each of us laid the inner desire to be like, no more, no less, as the Higher Power. A higher power – it the pure force of bestowal and love acting around us. And, despite the fact that we are conducting themselves like wild beasts at times (forgive me readers for this comparison), at heart we are still striving to become similar to that Higher Power, as it is it is our root, and a stronghold of the embodiment of beauty.

That is the reason why (the real reason, but not Claudia Schiffer, Angelica, or Joules), which makes us instinctively ignited from the earth's beauty, because we are really looking for a source of endless beauty. However, due to the fact that now we are cut off from awareness of the truth, to seek, we are trying to reach that inner beauty with the help of external tricks. But the real beauty is not found in any makeup, not in good manners, nor even a chic dress, for which I paid a thousand (!) Dollars. True beauty lies in our attitude to people, to ourselves, to the world around us. And the essence of that beauty lies in giving and loving others. So start hugging people on the street? Not at all! We're not going to put on a sweet fake mask on the ugly face, saying so will gain the inside beauty.

We already went through. All you need to do – is to start a fascinating journey into your inner world, revealing themselves for who we really are and discover what a huge domestic potential hidden within us. Kabbalah says that none of the desire does not arise in a person just like that. And if we live in a never-ending quest to be beautiful, it is because we can find the most extraordinary beauty in our society – the beauty of the Upper Force. Beauty that even now, when we cry, hate, or envy, lives within us. And now that we have clear rules of the game, you just begin to reveal themselves to this beauty, because she herself, as We see no manifest itself, even if we make ourselves a thousand plastic surgeries. Where to start? Need to change your inner attitude towards life. In the present, aimed only at filling itself, the attitude return neighbor. And to help in this adventure, leading us to a meeting with the beauty of the Upper Force, we have to Kabbalah. She awakens and develops the study of man he was sent, the beginning of a loving, his inner beauty, helping to become internally in this timeless and eternal beauty, without spending a penny at Versace, Dolce & Gabbana and Armani. Let's be beautiful in its every action … Source article –