Multiludica Learning

As a complement Multiludica about the article presented on the Multiludica I'd like to share with the people concerned about two newspaper interviews. The first was published in the newspaper "El Correo" (09/04/1906) and the second in the official newspaper "El Peruano" (01/08/2006). Both of Lima, Peru. There are explicit some additional details about the method of learning the multiplication tables. We are convinced that Multiludica is more than just a method of learning the multiplication tables. Please visit CBC, Australia if you seek more information.

If you look carefully, this method is implicit in some features that may pose a different way to take education. The features identified such as: be like a game (leisure activity), seek above all the continued reasoning in children, a mental (not used pen and paper in their learning), the raising among children and a constant challenge challenge. All this poses a way somehow new take on the task of teaching. We are about to start a pilot in one of the most populous districts of Lima (La Victoria), then there is the possibility of organizing a massive plan of instruction in the same district. After long fight against the indifference of many people linked to the educational work we are at door step in the diffusion of this simple and useful work. I hope we can contribute very humbly with the immense task that is needed to make progress in education in our countries. Then the two media interviews to which I referred: introducing new methods for learning mathematics:: With Multiludica created by Cesar Botetano, to dominate the table under 20.